Top 5 Reasons to Travel Sunny in the Winter

Top 5 Reasons to Travel Sunny in the Winter
Linda Moore

It is no secret that this has been a very rough winter.  In fact with the continuous storms hammering the east coast of the US, it is no wonder that many people are looking for sunny skies as they plan their vacations.  There are a lot of reasons that you probably want to travel this winter.  However, did you realize that there are actually some reasons why you should travel this winter?

Battle the Winter Blues with Warm Weather

Many people do not realize just how serious the winter blues can be.  During the winter months some people do not feel like they can go on with their lives.  They might feel sad or depressed, and in extreme cases can even become suicidal.  One great way to battle the winter blues is to get away from winter weather and travel to somewhere warmer.

There are very real reasons that people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder.  These include:

  • The lack of light causes the body to produce less melatonin.
  • The lack of light causes the body to produce less serotonin.
  • The lack of light can cause the body’s clock to be off.

Save Money on Your Dream Vacation

It might shock you to learn that you can actually save money when you travel to warm weather destinations during the winter.  It would make sense if these destinations were more expensive when it would appear that others would be flocking to them.  However, this is not always the case.  Some people do not like to travel during the winter months for one reason or another.

Lift Moods With New Experiences

Another great way that you can improve your moods is by trying something new.  There is no shortage of adventures that you can choose.  Finding something that is different, that you might not have tried before, can really change your outlook on life.  A number of Westgate Resorts have locations which can help you find the experiences that you are looking for.  Some of these experiences include:

  • Theme Parks
  • Exciting Nightclubs and Bars
  • Shows and Live Performances
  • Museums and Interactive Attractions
  • Beaches
  • Outdoor Activities (Kayaking, White Water Rafting, Zip lining, and More)

You can learn more about which experiences are available when you are booking your vacation.  There are even some vacation packages available.

Improve Your Health With a Change of Scenery

Many people think that going on vacation can only improve their mental health.  What they are unaware of is that vacations can also improve your physical health.  There are many different places that you can consider.  If you find yourself working with a small budget, it can be beneficial to know about the different national parks that are perfect for a sunny winter escape.  Here are some ways that sunny weather can improve your physical health.

  • Vitamin D will help you to better handle stress.
  • Vitamin D can help you to have better sleep.
  • Doing nothing for a week can lower blood pressure and improve heart health.

Enjoy The Weather When You Are Outside

Even if you do not suffer from SAD there is no reason that you should not travel somewhere that is going to have more favorable weather.  In fact, when you travel during the winter you are better able to appreciate warmer weather.  Plus, you can travel to destinations that might be too hot during the summer months.  These destinations might not be right for swimming or outdoor recreation but are often warm enough that you are not going to see snow or unfavorable weather.

There are many reasons that people generally travel during the summer time.  If the long winter months are really getting to you, then it might be a great idea to take off for some sunny weather.  Taking a vacation in the wintertime does have some major advantages as opposed to taking a vacation during the summer time.


Linda Moore
Linda Moore
I am a freelance writer and enjoy reporting on a variety of topics.
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