The Marketing Corner: Social Media Generational Update—Gen X

Generation X is the second most important marketing target segment.
The Marketing Corner: Social Media Generational Update—Gen X
A woman pushes a stroller across First Avenue in New York in April 2014. Generation X tend to value family and that should be a major consideration for marketers. (Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images)

Generation X is the second most important generation (after Millenials) since they are still within the coveted target age group of 18-49 for large marketers.

As a group, many have families and actively engage in family-oriented activities. They are a very fitness and nutritional conscious group. When compared to Millennials or Baby boomers, this group is more likely to read and share tech news.

The below represent a few more points to note about Gen X.

  • Born between 1965 and 1980
  • Unlike their parents, this group likes to participate/share life experiences with their children such as going to a concert or a movie
  • This generation grew up distrusting institutions’ and government. They watch their parents go thru lay-offs at work and divorce. Despite this, they prefer to surround themselves with positive vibes and share inspirational messages
  • Politically, they tend to be conservatives but will be liberal socially
  • They share many news pieces socially on sites; such as: Mashable and NPR. Plus, they tend to enjoy reading news that can range from opinion, tech, politics, etc.
  • Other social apps they tend to use often include: Spotify, Uber and Foursquare
  • Some of their favorite social TV includes: Nashville, True Detective
  • Music taste includes some very popular artists; such as: Norah Jones, Beck and growing up to show stoppers like David Bowie

Small business owners advantage can be to hone in on these insights to develop messages to target this group. Gen Xers are historically distrustful. So transparency is crucial and they prefer positive messages.

Use their preferred news, social media (apps too) channels to establish a conversation with them. Consider family-orient events to engage them. Family is important and could lead you to successful ROI with this target.

Adele Lassere is a marketing/advertising consultant with 20+ years experience, freelance writer and author of “Elements of Buying” (self-help advertising guide); available at Adele was listed as Black Enterprise’s 2011 Top Execs in Marketing & Advertising and Black Enterprise’s 2013 Top Women Executives in Advertising & Marketing. Contact: [email protected]