Quebec University Classrooms Are Not Safe Spaces, Says Academic Freedom Committee

Quebec University Classrooms Are Not Safe Spaces, Says Academic Freedom Committee
Parti Quebecois member of the National Assembly Alexandre Cloutier responds to reporters, June 6, 2017 at the legislature in Quebec City. (The Canadian Press/Jacques Boissinot)
The Canadian Press

MONTREAL—A committee mandated by the Quebec government to investigate academic freedom says university classrooms should not be considered safe spaces.

The committee, headed by former Parti Quebecois cabinet minister Alexandre Cloutier, introduced its report today, following hearings that included testimony from university staff and students.

Cloutier, the vice chancellor at Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi, is recommending the government adopt a bill that would create a universal definition of academic freedom and would protect that freedom on university campuses across the province.

His report makes several other recommendations, including against universities imposing so-called trigger warnings—statements that warn students about potentially offensive or traumatic classroom material.

The government created the committee following a controversy at University of Ottawa, where a professor was suspended in 2020 for using the N-word during a class lecture.

Cloutier told reporters today that university classrooms should not be safe spaces but should instead be forums where ideas can be debated without censorship.