Nazi Airman Reincarnated as English Railway Worker? Stunning Coincidences Suggest So

Since the age of 3, Carl Edon had spoken of a previous life as a Nazi airman. His parents didn’t believe he was truly remembering a past life, but decades later evidence emerged that made them wonder.
Nazi Airman Reincarnated as English Railway Worker? Stunning Coincidences Suggest So
Left: Carl Edon Right: Nazi airman Heinrich Richter. (The Weekly World News)
Tara MacIsaac

Since the age of 3, Carl Edon had spoken of a previous life as a Nazi airman. His parents didn’t believe he was truly remembering a past life, but decades later evidence emerged that made them wonder.

Edon was a railway signalman in the town of Middlesbrough, northeastern England. He met with a tragic end in this life as well as in his alleged past life. At the age of 22, he was stabbed to death by his work colleague, Gary Vinter. Vinter was jailed in 1996 for the murder, but proceeded to kill others including his estranged wife upon his release in 2006 (after which he was locked up for good).

When Edon was a child, he had visions of being shot down in his Nazi aircraft. In 1997, two years after Edon was murdered, a Dornier airplane was unearthed only a few hundred yards from the site of Edon’s death. In 2002, local newspaper The Gazette reported that a local historian had found a photo of the Nazi airman Heinrich Richter who crashed and died in that Dornier.

Richter and Edon were strikingly similar in appearance.

The airman’s leg had been severed in the crash; a birthmark was visible on Edon’s leg where it would have been severed in his purported past life. Birthmarks often seem to correspond to injuries children say they’ve remembered from their past lives.

Richter had been following the rail line when he was killed, just as Edon had been, though both for different purposes.

Edon’s mother, Val, began to wonder whether her son was actually reincarnated as he‘d told her. She told the Gazette: “There are just too many strange coincidences, and I think if Carl was here he’d be saying ‘Do you believe me now’?”

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