Kind Lady Reads a Homeless Man’s Sign and Helps to Get His Pet From the Pound

Kind Lady Reads a Homeless Man’s Sign and Helps to Get His Pet From the Pound
(Illustration - Srdjan Randjelovic/Shutterstock)
From the archives: This story was last updated in February 2019.
Are there times when you wonder if you should extend more help towards a complete stranger? For a woman in Texas, she didn’t think twice when she saw a homeless man begging while holding a sign asking for help.

In October 2016, Wilma Price had just walked out of a Walmart store in Huntsville when she saw a homeless man standing by the exit with a sad look in his eyes. The sign he was holding in his hand read, “Dog in pound. Need help.”

The words caught her attention, but as she only had $8 left at the time, she didn’t stop to help the man who was begging for money. However, the words weighed on her mind, so Price decided to turn back again.

“I looked at him and I couldn’t get over it. He looked like a little boy standing there lost,” she told CBS News.

Price asked the man, named Patrick, what had happened, and learned that he was caught for trespassing a few days ago and jailed for two nights. While Patrick was in jail, his dog, Franklin, was taken away to a local animal shelter.

When Patrick was released, he found the shelter. When he asked how he could get his dog back, he was told to pay $120, in addition to $10 for every day the dog remained there. The costs also included vaccinations.

“I’m not leaving this town until I get my dog,” Patrick told Price.

Once Price heard his story, she called her friend for help, and they managed to get enough money for him. She even ensured that Patrick had all the things he needed to care for Franklin before she drove him to the shelter.

When Patrick was finally reunited with Franklin, Franklin jumped into his arms with his tail wagging.

Patrick was grateful to Price for her act of kindness. “You did more for me than most people have done in my life. You don’t know how much I thank you,” he told her.

However, Price’s good deed did not end there. She even set up a GoFundMe page to help Patrick and his dog so that Patrick could get back on his feet.

“I’m always for the underdog,” Price said.

“The lesson here is don’t judge a book by their covers. That’s the whole thing. We’re in such a judgmental world. Everybody deserves a chance—you never know, in the blink of an eye that could be you,” she added.

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