Israel Finds Ship Behind Oil Spill Off Its Coast, Ministry Says

Israel Finds Ship Behind Oil Spill Off Its Coast, Ministry Says
A clump of tar is seen on the sand after an offshore oil spill drenched much of Israel's Mediterranean shoreline with tar, at a beach in Ashdod, southern Israel, on Feb. 21, 2021. Amir Cohen/File/Reuters

TEL AVIV—Israel has located the ship responsible for an oil spill that blackened its beaches with tar last month, the environment ministry said on Wednesday, without giving details.

The country’s investigation has focused on an unidentified ship that passed about 50 km (30 miles) off the coast on Feb. 11 as the likely source of what environmentalist groups are calling an ecological disaster that could take years to clean up.

Environmental Protection Minister Gila Gamliel will give more details about the ship later on Wednesday, her ministry said.

Clumps of sticky black tar from the spill have also washed up on the coasts of south Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.

The ministry, which has been working with European agencies, had conducted a broad search that it said included dozens of vessels.

By Rami Ayyub