Giant Megaliths Found in Siberia Could Be Largest in the World

The largest megaliths ever, stones weighing more than 800 tons each, have reportedly been found in Siberia.
Giant Megaliths Found in Siberia Could Be Largest in the World
Megaliths said to be found in Gornaya Shoria (Mount Shoria), southern Siberia. (Screenshot/Astro Systems Lab/YouTube)
Tara MacIsaac

The word is starting to spread through websites that explore mysterious events and artifacts from history that megaliths found in Gornaya Shoria (Mount Shoria), Siberia, could be the largest in the world.

The first person to report this news was amateur researcher John Jensen, who had previously gained some attention for identifying unusual formations off the east coast of the United States. 

He came across photos recently taken of a team exploring the megaliths and information about the megaliths posted on Russian websites. One of the websites was that of Valery Uvarov, a Russian author interested in the Egyptian pyramids.

Epoch Times has not yet been able to independently verify these reports, though the photos are available on Jensen’s blog and his post on Epoch Times will continue to follow up on this discovery.

The stones may be larger than the Baalbek stones in Lebanon, which are currently thought to be the largest used in an ancient structure. Comparing photos of both sites, with people standing next to the stones to provide a sense of scale, the largest pictured Gornaya Shoria stones seem a third or so bigger than the Baalbek stones, which weigh about 800 tons. 

The average weight of stones used to build the Great Pyramid is about 2.5 tons. The Stonehenge megaliths are about 50 tons each.

The stones at Gornaya Shoria are stacked about 130 feet (40 meters) high, according to Jensen. They appear to be carved into rectangular blocks, with some forming passageways.