George Zimmerman on Trial--July 2 Recap

The trial for George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer in Florida, continues on for the second week. Zimmerman is on trial over the shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager who was walking back from a convenience store when shot by Zimmerman. The shooting, which happened on a rainy night in February 2012, was in self-defense, says Zimmerman. He has been charged with second-degree murder.
George Zimmerman on Trial--July 2 Recap
George Zimmerman leaves court at the end of the session of his trial in Seminole circuit court, in Sanford, Fla., Monday, July 1, 2013. Zimmerman has been charged with second-degree murder for the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin.AP Photo/Orlando Sentinel, Joe Burbank, Pool

The trial for George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer in Florida, continues on for the second week. Zimmerman is on trial over the shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager who was walking back from a convenience store when shot by Zimmerman. 

The shooting, which happened on a rainy night in February 2012, was in self-defense, says Zimmerman. He has been charged with second-degree murder.

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Here’s what’s been happening: 

On June 26, a witnesses called to the stand included a neighbor, and a friend of Martin’s.

On June 27, Martin’s friend continued testifying. Prosecutors asserted her testimony was inconsistent.

On July 1, an FBI audio expert testifies.

 We'll post periodic updates today, and follow along with the live stream.

Also, see the entire case in photos.
