Farmer Sprays Manure All Over Mercedes Illegally Parked on His Field as Driver Visits the Beach

Farmer Sprays Manure All Over Mercedes Illegally Parked on His Field as Driver Visits the Beach
Illustration - North Monaco/Shutterstock

A British farmer, infuriated by a driver who parked on his field to go to the beach, got his payback by covering the car in slurry. Footage of the farmer’s messy retaliation went viral and garnered controversy online.

Robbie Nute, who works on Clifden Farm in Cornwall, England, passed the Mercedes Benz in his tractor on May 25, 2020, reports the Mirror. The car was parked opportunistically on Nute’s land at the tail end of the United Kingdom’s Bank Holiday weekend; allegedly, the local beach was busy and parking spaces were scarce.

Incensed by the flagrant intrusion, Nute decided to continue on his slurry-spraying despite the car being in the direct line of fire. As a result, the parked car received an ample coating of the manure-and-water mixture used to nourish crops.

Footage captured by Nute while driving the tractor depicts the moment he passes the luxury car. The farmer comments on the audacity of the driver. “The beach is nice and busy today; everyone social distancing I suppose,” he says. “That busy, they’ve decided to park in the field.”

A young boy riding along in the tractor asks Nute what he is going to do about the car. “I’ve nearly finished mate, I’m not stopping,” the farmer answers, before driving past the Mercedes, coating it with an ample layer of the greenish-brown mixture.

“I hope you have as much fun washing your car as I am going to have painting it for you,” he says.

The video managed to attract media attention and was posted online shortly thereafter. In response to the Mirror’s coverage, many netizens filled the newspaper’s Facebook post with animated commentary.

“Nothing but respect for the farmer,” wrote one person.

“The owner is lucky it wasn’t a convertible,” joked another.

“The moral of this story is, ‘If you don’t want your car spread with slurry don’t park it in someone else’s field,’ it’s that simple,” one netizen summarized, adding, “It’s their own fault for being bad-mannered enough to park there without the farmer’s permission!”

However, while many defended the Cornish farmer’s actions, others criticized his decision to penalize the Mercedes driver for parking on his property.

“I am sorry, I think it is mean and horrible,” one viewer commented, as quoted by the Daily Mail. “Used to live in Cornwall and loved it, but this is disgraceful.”

“He did it on purpose for no good reason at all,” wrote another. “Obviously even this virus situation hasn’t changed some people for the better.”

Despite the British government’s gradual relaxing of social distancing restrictions during the ongoing spread of COVID-19, the decision made by thousands of Brits to head to the sunny south coast for a Bank Holiday getaway was met with some concern and criticism.

Photos of crowds flooding the warm beaches of southern England prompted fears among some council bodies and national parks, which, according to ITV, responded by asking crowds to stay away from certain public spaces.

Councillor Carmen Appich of Brighton & Hove urged anybody contemplating a trip to the south coast city to “consider very carefully how [your] journey will impact on others.” Meanwhile, the borough council of the neighboring town of Hastings closed their beach to outside visitors altogether.