EpochTV Review: The Infiltration of College Campuses

EpochTV Review: The Infiltration of College Campuses
Lacy Hall
In this episode of Counterculture, “Cancel Culture on Campus”, host Danielle De’Souza Gill reports on what is happening in our nation’s universities and how conservative students, professors, and speakers are being censored and intimidated.

The episode begins with an example of this about Stephen Breyer, the Supreme Court Justice who retired from the Biden administration. Instead of allowing Breyer the opportunity to retire and handle his own public affairs, the Biden administration leaked the information and Biden made an announcement that he was appointing someone to take Breyer’s place. The person chosen was chosen based on their race and gender, not on merit. This was considered an affirmative action choice.

Georgetown law professor, Ilya Shapiro voiced his disagreement with Biden’s decision. He voiced his opinion that there were other people more qualified for this position who were also minorities.

In response to this, Georgetown put him on administrative leave and conducted an investigation into his past behavior. Law students went as far as to stage a sit-in and demand that Shapiro be fired.

Another example is a University of Illinois Chicago professor who was forced to undergo “sensitivity training” for using racial slurs on a test question that posed a hypothetical real-world situation. The slurs were already censored by the professor who did not use the actual racial term, but the university forced him to do the training anyway and then proceeded to continue to monitor him.

These are just two examples of how leftists are threatening the freedom of speech in our universities and using bully tactics against those that they disagree with.

Yet another professor at a university in New York made comments that he did not believe that sex between an adult and a consenting minor was immoral even if the child was only one year old. This professor only received a slap on the wrist from the university which was a much lessor punishment than the above-mentioned professors. This goes to show where priorities are now.

In the next segment of the video, the host welcomes, Andy Ngo, who is an investigative journalist and an author of the New York Times bestseller, “Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy.”

She begins the interview by asking Ngo about his safety and some of the threats that he has faced while being a journalist. He reveals that he has been attacked by Antifa individuals and has even received death threats. He states that Portland is one of the epicenters of Antifa and things got too dangerous for him to continue to live there so he moved. He discusses what Antifa claims to be and stands for, versus what they actually do which is to agitate protestors and promote violence.

Ngo began as a student journalist documenting protests after the Trump election and as time went on, he was labeled as a threat by Antifa which is when the trouble started, and it has continued to escalate. He tells De’Souza Gill that he saw a lack of reporting on leftist extremists and this observation is what made him decide to do the kind of reporting that he does.

He also states that the Biden administration is unaware of the danger of Antifa and how they operate by using other protests to incite violence and unrest. An example of this is the George Floyd incident and the protests that followed. Antifa infiltrated these protests pretending to care about the issue of police brutality while in fact, it was just an excuse to start looting and committing other crimes.

Ngo also reveals the surprising ways that Antifa raises money. In addition, via Go Fund Me and other social media fundraising platforms, they get money from protestors who are released on bail by corrupt law enforcement, and bail money is refunded and finds its way back to Antifa. They get quite a bit of money this way.

Next, Ngo and De’Souza Gill discuss the origins of Antifa which began as a paramilitary group of the German Communist Party in the 1930s. The Antifa of today uses the original name and claims that their purpose is to fight fascism, but their claims are used to legitimize the organization. They really have nothing in common with the original Antifa. They bring literature with them to protests to use for recruitment and use social media to give instructions on how to build bombs, use people as shields, and other domestic terrorist tactics. Ngo outlines all of this in his book.

Cancel Culture on Campus | Counterculture [Full Episode]
Watch the full episode here.

The next point of discussion is the role of Antifa on college campuses. De’Souza Gill states, “We seem to look at these campuses and see oh you know it’s just completely normal for these radical leftists to run the campus, to intimidate their college professors, to go to the head of their college and make them apologize and things like that, so the campus is really a crazy place.”

She asks Ngo about his experiences when asked to speak at college campuses. He advises that he has received two invitations to speak, the first at the University of British Colombia. This was canceled by the administration due to a lot of Antifa activity in the area which brought up safety issues. The second invitation was at Dartmouth College. This event was also canceled by the administration.

De’Souza Gill then welcomes Dartmouth student, Chloe Ezo who was one of the organizers of the event. She is asked if she expected this decision from the administration. She advises that she thought the administration was more dedicated to the freedom of speech, so she was surprised when they canceled Ngo’s speaking engagement. She stated she invited him to speak because she felt that he had an important message to share that the Dartmouth students needed to hear about Antifa and its true nature of violence and domestic terror.

Ngo tells the host that the speech was to include several stories of the atrocities committed and a history of leftist activities. He was going to show parallels between the speech and actions of those leftists and these groups today like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Chloe and other students continue to fight for the right to have events like these on campus.

The video concludes with Ngo stating that the reason that more people do not research groups like Antifa, and BLM is that they receive threats, and their families also receive threats. They are ostracized and criticized by mainstream media, and it can have a negative effect on their careers. He has chosen to continue his investigative reporting and speak out against groups like these in spite of these obstacles.

De’Souza Gill thanks both of her guests for their work in fighting for our rights to free speech

“Counterculture” premiers every Sunday at 7 p.m.—exclusive on EpochTV.
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Lacy Hall
Lacy Hall
Lacy Hall is a native born Texan and lives in South Texas. She earned a bachelor of science degree in English/Education from Howard Payne University. She enjoys research and has a passion for writing entertaining, informative, and relevant content for her readers.
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