EpochTV Review: Durham Continues to Uncover Lies about Trump/Russia Collusion Story

EpochTV Review: Durham Continues to Uncover Lies about Trump/Russia Collusion Story
Lacy Hall
“Durham Confirms Brennan’s CIA Notes That Clinton Campaign Sought to Tie Trump to Russia” is an episode of Truth Over News in which the hosts discuss CIA director John Brennan’s involvement in an investigation to prove that former President Donald Trump was in collusion with Russia in his presidential campaign.

The video begins with host Jeff Carlson explaining that FBI director John Brennan held a briefing with then President Obama to inform him of Hillary Clinton’s plan to tie Trump to Russia. However, the mainstream media actually ended up reporting the opposite to the American people.

Special Counsel John Durham, the U.S. attorney appointed by Attorney General William Barr to do an investigation on the matter, found that Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann and others were guilty of giving false information with the purpose of vilifying Trump. The co-host, Hans Mahnicke further explains that Brennan sent the same information that was given to Obama to the FBI and to Trump investigators in a secret CIA document.

This information is particularly important because just days after these briefings, the FBI officially opened its ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ investigation of Trump. This investigation was based on unsubstantiated rumors from foreign dignitaries about Trump and Russia. The FBI investigation should have focused on the efforts of the Clinton campaign to smear Trump, but instead, they made Trump their target.

After Brennan’s briefing with Obama, he warned Russia not to interfere in the U.S. election and then began advising Congress of the impending Russian interference. Brennan testified that he told each Congressional member, “Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the U.S. Democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton and harm her electability and potential presidency, and to help President Donald Trump’s election chances.”

Brennan also gave a separate briefing to Congressional member Harry Reed and the information in that briefing differed from the original briefing he gave to Congress. Following that briefing, Reed sent a letter to FBI director James Comey advising him of the collusion between Trump and Russia and asking him to start an investigation. Comey also received a letter from Democrats also asking him to investigate Trump.

These accusations had the desired effect as the mainstream media ran with the Trump Russia collusion story and promoted it relentlessly. Hillary Clinton then put her two cents in by announcing to the media that Russia’s interference in the election to get Trump elected would weaken the United States as a country.

The FBI had already started its Crossfire Hurricane investigation but no investigation had been opened to investigate the Clinton campaign or anything that was in the Brennan briefing or memos. In fact, Brennan urged the intelligence community to substantiate the claims.

Durham Confirms Brennan’s CIA Notes that Clinton Campaign Sought to Tie Trump to Russia | Truth Over News [Full Episode]
Watch the full episode here.

A joint statement was then released by the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence that claimed they were confident that Russia was interfering with the election. These actions by Brennan became even more significant when he released his intelligence assessment, which was somewhat of an insurance policy to be put into place if Trump won the election. This would state that the inferference from Russia was the deciding factor in Trump winning.

The intelligence community began to weave a web of lies in an assessment that stated Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrated Trump’s election. Even though there was no solid evidence in any of these assessments that Trump was colluding with Russia, the media nevertheless ran with the story hanging these accusations on Trump.

When the assessment was released, the Christopher Steele dossier was attached and this set off events that would lead to Special Counsel Robert Muller being appointed to investigate. The fact that the Steele dossier was attached to the assessment was what fueled the fire for the media and Brennan’s intentions were realized, which were to cause big problems for Trump.

Durham’s probe would eventually prove that Clinton campaign officials were complicit in giving false information regarding Trump having ties with Russia. Durham also confirmed that Brennan’s notes to the CIA, which had been declassified by the Director of National Intelligence, supported Brennan’s plan to have the FBI open the investigation.

“Truth Over News” premiers every Tues and Thurs at 6 p.m.—exclusive on EpochTV.
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Lacy Hall is a native born Texan and lives in South Texas. She earned a bachelor of science degree in English/Education from Howard Payne University. She enjoys research and has a passion for writing entertaining, informative, and relevant content for her readers.
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