Artist Chat: Elizabeth Hunter’s Kickstarter Goal

Artist Chat: Elizabeth Hunter’s Kickstarter Goal
Bianca Silva

***I spoke with Elizabeth Hunter a few weeks ago on her goal to raise money for her music video, “Move Like The Moon.”***


 Caption: Elizabeth Hunter in her music video “Move Like The Moon.” Photo Credit: Pavel Bez

Elizabeth Hunter has recently finished shooting her music video for “Move Like The Moon.” The video, which is expected to be released next month, is off her latest EP Elizabeth Hunter.  The one thing standing in her way from releasing it? Raising $5,000 on Kickstarter.

Hunter turned to Kickstarter earlier this year to fund her video after several friends of hers have successfully funded projects on the crowd funding site. With less than three days to go, she has raised $4,886, less than $200 shy from her goal. 

“Move Like The Moon,” a pop-rock track with bits of soul, allows Hunter’s vocals to shine. Like her track, she wanted to achieve the same for her video by hiring Chia Minaya, who has produced music videos for Athara and Leo Henry. 

“I want to do a professional video and I think people would want to see that,” she said. “I think it would help me in my career and I'll have fans.”

On her Kickstarter page, Hunter explains the cost and time it took to make “Move Like The Moon” and mentioned her challenges in successfully funding her goal, which included reaching out to potential backers. 

“If you’re up and coming, you have to really let people know you have a Kickstarter and that was my problem at first,” she said. “But then about a week ago, I did this and now I’m almost halfway.”

One of the trickiest things, she mentioned, was to reach out to people to donate on Kickstarter without scaring them off which including sending emails as the deadline grew near and releasing new content.

“I was thinking about how to have it not be annoying,” she said. “I have some behind the scenes footage from when we were shooting the video so I’m going to start including that.” 

When it comes to people that choose to fund a project on Kickstarter, Hunter mentions that it’s all about being part of something that would unfold in front of their eyes and discovering new music.

“I think it just gets you more fans,” she said. “My friends sent out to all their friends that I have a Kickstarter and then they listen to the song and they’re like ‘Oh okay, pretty cool, I’ll come to a show.' That actually has happened with one of my last shows or I get a like that I wouldn’t have otherwise get. Kickstarter has that added benefit not only giving you the money but first getting your fans involved and more invested and two maybe finding new fans.” 

Bianca Silva has been into music from a young age. Driven by her passion for rock, she decided to turn her passion into a career. She has written for Boxx Music Magazine and had her own rocker-based blog called Indie Pit. Her love for music journalism doesn't stop her from tackling other areas such as sports, food and politics, to which she'll post here on occasion. She tweets as @binkstertweed.
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