Bling It Like Beckham

Bling It Like Beckham
Linda Moore

David Beckham is a world famous footballer, about whom a movie was made. While I’m sure he has some passing acquaintance with bling, he is not the Beckham I had in mind. However, his wife, Victoria Beckham, formerly Posh Spice of the Spice Girls, knows more than her share about how to bling it with style.

Victoria has her own line of fashion, and is not afraid to encrust her rhinestone crown right on your backside in the form of a blinged out pair of designer jeans, and make you pay a few hundred pounds for the privilege. But Beckham’s glittery glamour are tame by comparison. Today’s celebrities either go big, or go back to the store. Either way, they are not going home until they can outshine the last head-turning headliner.

If you want to play in that arena, throw out words like “gaudy” and “excessive”. They have neither place nor meaning, here. Other concepts you might want to shed include, “tasteless”, “crass”, and “overbearing”. Time to expand your horizons. If it can be worn or carried, it can, and should be blinged.

Bling that Ring

What celebrity is rolling with the gaudiest rock this side of Gibraltar? That prize would go to the former main squeeze of boxer, Floyd Mayweather: Queen Princes Love. There is a good chance you don’t have what it takes to sport this 20 carat stone. First, you are going to need to hit the gym. That thing his huge!

QueenPrincessLove.png Second, you likely don’t have anything to wear with an accessory like that. Third, how many bodyguards do you have? There is probably no need to talk about what something like that even costs.

However, if you are going to go full QPL, you had better know your diamonds. Front Jewelers offer some handy educational information you might need if you plan to properly romance the stone without looking like a fool. You don’t want to be caught in that awkward photo op where the sharp-eyed paparazzi shows close-up evidence of you wearing a fake. And pray that you are not the one who gave your soon-to-be former main squeeze a fake. 

Not-So-Smart Watches

For you celebrity watchers, this page of celebrity watches should give you something new to gawk at. But by my standards, other than Lil Wayne, these folks aren’t even trying. If you want to ice a watch, you’ve got to take the not-yet released gold Apple Watch, and freeze it with as many diamonds as you can fit on the wearable. Though I’m not so sure how wearable it will be once you’re done. 


If this $70,000 concept is too rich for your blood, there are a few bargain basement versions for around $30,000. But honestly, just save up an extra week or two, and get the one you really want.

Now Hear This


I'll be honest. I have no idea what that thing is on Will.I.Am’s ear. But I want one. If I had to wear a hearing aid, I would want it to look like that. I’m not sure it can be pulled off without that outrageous hat. Hmmm… Better leave room in the budget for an outrageous hat. 

Thank goodness the world is full of classy people with taste and restraint. But if you want to be remembered, cross out words like “taste” and “restraint” from your personal dictionary and bling it like Beckham.

I am a freelance writer and enjoy reporting on a variety of topics.
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