Poilievre Says Tories Will Support Studying Federal Childcare Bill in Committee

Poilievre Says Tories Will Support Studying Federal Childcare Bill in Committee
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre rises to question the government during question period on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Sept. 26, 2022. (Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press)
The Canadian Press
Pierre Poilievre says Conservatives will support sending the Liberal government’s childcare bill for further study, but he’s stopping short of endorsing the national plan.
Speaking to reporters before his weekly caucus meeting, the Tory leader says his MPs will back sending Bill C-35—currently being debated in the House of Commons—to a parliamentary committee.

In December, Families Minister Karina Gould tabled the legislation, which seeks to enshrine the government’s national daycare plan into law.

It would commit Ottawa to maintaining long-term funding, making it harder for a future government to undo.

Poilievre says once the bill arrives at committee, MPs will look at what results are actually being achieved.
He says Tories believe there should be affordable childcare spaces and support for parents “regardless of what choices they make.”