Clients of Unregistered Montreal Acupuncturist Urged to Get Tested for HIV, Hepatitis

Clients of Unregistered Montreal Acupuncturist Urged to Get Tested for HIV, Hepatitis
A doctor performs acupuncture therapy on a recovering COVID-19 patient at a government run health centre in the Coche neighbourhood of Caracas, Venezuela, on Feb. 25, 2021. (The Canadian Press/AP-Matias Delacroix)
The Canadian Press

Montreal public health is urging clients of a man offering acupuncture treatments in the city’s Notre-Dame-de-Grâce neighbourhood to get tested for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV.

Officials say the risks stem from the potential reuse and cross-contamination of acupuncture needles, suction cups, and injections administered by Dashdorj Bayasgalan, also known as “Dr. Ba.”

The Quebec Order of Acupuncturists notified public health of a potential safety threat after receiving a complaint from one of Mr. Bayasgalan’s clients.

Public health says Mr. Bayasgalan is not a member of the order but provided treatments akin to acupuncture.

The health agency says it’s too soon to know if anyone was infected, but it’s recommending that all clients who were treated with acupuncture needles, suction cups, or injections get tested.

Officials say Mr. Bayasgalan has been informed that he can no longer offer treatments that put the health of the public at risk.