Hamas Assault on Israel Is a Terrorist Attack: Australian PM

‘When you target innocent civilians, that is terror being created here,’ said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.
Hamas Assault on Israel Is a Terrorist Attack: Australian PM
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese speaks to media during a press conference at the Kaarta Gar-up Lookout in Perth, Australia, on May 8, 2023. (AAP Image/Matt Jelonek)
Alfred Bui

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has publicly denounced Hamas’ attack on Israeli properties and civilians, calling it an act of terror.

On Oct. 7 morning, the Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas, which has been classified as a terrorist group by Israel, the United States, the European Union, the UK, and Australia, launched a surprise rocket attack over Israeli skies.

Hamas ground forces then quickly advanced into Israeli territory by land, sea, and air, invading Israeli towns and military installations.

Videos have emerged on the internet showing Hamas’ terrorist forces indiscriminately attacking Israeli civilians and taking hostages.

On Oct. 8, the Israeli government declared war against Hamas and conducted airstrikes on Palestine’s territory in retaliation.

So far, the death toll on both sides has passed 1,100.

In an interview with Sky News Australia, Mr. Albanese described the attack as a terrorist act.

“When you target innocent civilians, that is terror being created here,” he said.

“This wasn’t a military-to-military conflict. This was targeting people in more than 20 towns and villages in southern Israel who were just going about their daily lives.”

Police officer walks near a destroyed police station in Sderot, Israel, on Oct. 8, 2023. (Amir Levy/Getty Images)
Police officer walks near a destroyed police station in Sderot, Israel, on Oct. 8, 2023. (Amir Levy/Getty Images)

The prime minister also believed that Hamas planned to instil fear among the Israeli community with its unprovoked attacks.

“It is certainly that the targeting of people is a definition of terror, and that is what it’s aimed, clearly, at creating fear in the community of Israel by having such an unprovoked and quite drastic action, widespread,” he said.

“I mean, a thousand people travelling into southern Israel is quite a concerted effort by Hamas to create fear and to target in an indiscriminate way.”

Mr. Albanese also expressed his condolence to innocent civilians who lost their lives during the conflict and stated that Israel did have a right to defend itself.

The prime minister added that Israel has not asked Australia to provide military assistance but that his government was currently giving political support.

PM Condemns Celebration of Hamas Attack

On Oct. 8 night, hundreds of people attended a rally at a train station in Lakemba, Sydney, in support of the terror attacks on Israel.

The rally attendees were seen holding banners and shouting slogans supporting Hamas.

Videos on social media also showed one vehicle allegedly carrying fringe extremist individuals running the red light and shooting fireworks in Sydney’s suburb of Greenacre in an act of celebration.

Mr. Albanese has condemned the behaviour, saying there was no victory with the slaughter of innocent people.

“There’s no victory here,” he told Sunrise program.

“There’s just a real downside for humanity, and we need to value every life. This attack was reprehensible, and we condemn it.”

While acknowledging that there has been a rise in anti-Semitism sentiment in Australia, the prime minister said Jewish or Israeli Australians living in the country did not need to strengthen their security.

“We recently introduced increased support for people, including some schools and facilities in the Jewish community,” he told Sky News Australia.

“Whether it be anti-Semitism, Islamophobia or other forms of racism, it is always a bad thing, and my government will do what we can to combat it, but also to provide support for vulnerable communities.”

Alfred Bui is an Australian reporter based in Melbourne and focuses on local and business news. He is a former small business owner and has two master’s degrees in business and business law. Contact him at [email protected].
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