Wisconsin Sheriff Digs Up Damning Video of Republican John Kasich

Wisconsin Sheriff Digs Up Damning Video of Republican John Kasich
Epoch Newsroom

A sheriff in Wisconsin has brought a video back up that he believes shows something huge about a Republican presidential candidate.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke says Ohio Gov. John Kasich is a “rat bastard” for what the video shows eight years ago.

Have you ever been stopped by a policeman who was an idiot?
John Kasich

The policeman, Kasich continued, “tells me if you don’t report to court, we are putting a warrant out for your arrest. He’s an idiot! We just can’t act that way, and what people resent is people who are in the government, who don’t treat the client with respect.”

Three years later, shortly after being elected, Kasich apologized to Barrett in a private meeting.

But Clarke, the Wisconsin sheriff, wanted to resurface the video, believing it makes a crucial point about Kasich.