Watching the Flag

Watching the Flag
The Reader's Turn

I was sitting on the deck this afternoon looking out to the hills. About 200 feet from the deck and down about 50 feet in altitude stands a 50-foot pole with a 6-foot-by-10-foot U.S. flag. We just renewed it; they last about three years here.

At 75, I have been lucky to have grown up in the best era of U.S. history, in my opinion. Life has been good. But now I’m worried. People who put out the effort and succeed are being overcome by those who are “underserved” (whatever that means), discriminated against (they claim), and demanding “freebies”/rights they do not deserve—a free ride for doing nothing to help themselves.

I am worried that what our great flag represents is being lost—that is, the opportunity to succeed if you put out the effort and quit griping. Masses of people are being taught to gripe to be given life instead of earning it. What’s unfortunate is that it is working for them. People who do not understand that welfare “hurts instead of works” are pouring more and more funding to losing, anti-motivating causes. The inmates (politicians, etc.) have taken over the asylum.

Good Luck America,

Paul Kartinen


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