Voter Registration, DMV Go Digital

New Yorkers can now register to vote and update their address online, due to a new statewide initiative to streamline DMV services.
Voter Registration, DMV Go Digital
Catherine Yang

NEW YORK—New Yorkers can now register to vote and update their address online, due to a new statewide initiative to streamline DMV services.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Thursday that additional plans to further digitize DMV processes are already underway. There are over 700,000 users registered with secure accounts on DMV’s website, and the DMV processes about 300,000 voter applications annually.

“Today, we are knocking down longstanding barriers that have prevented many New Yorkers from participating in the democratic process, while creating a more streamlined and more efficient system that will save taxpayers’ money,” Cuomo said in a release.

Less than 64 percent of eligible New York citizens are registered to vote, according to his office. New York has one of the lowest voter registration rates in the nation, ranking 47th nationwide.

Voter registration doubled in Kansas and Washington, and increased seven times in South Dakota after those states implemented online voter registrations.

“I am thrilled by the leadership by the governor has taken in automating the voter registration process making it easier for New Yorkers,” said NYC Votes! director of voter assistance, Onida Coward Mayers.

Mayers is optimistic the online system will boost registration, “If we can make the electoral process easier for New Yorkers, they will engage more.”

According to the governor’s office, in New York state cost savings for DMV alone are estimated to be at least $270,000 and an additional $150,000 per county board.

In the upcoming weeks, a new electronic data entry system will be available in every DMV office, where registrants can bypass the paperwork process, which is often prone to human error, delays, and misplacement, according to the release.

“Getting away from paper applications and making use of the technology we are announcing today will improve efficiency, be cost effective, and better serve the people of New York State,” said DMV Commissioner Barbara Fiala in the release.

With additional reporting by Kristen Meriwether.

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