Viral Video Shows Teen Sharing His Jacket With Tied-Up Dog on Rainy Day

Viral Video Shows Teen Sharing His Jacket With Tied-Up Dog on Rainy Day
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

What would you do if you saw an animal tied up to a pole getting absolutely drenched in the pouring rain? A teenager in Northern Ireland came across this situation, and how he responded was all captured on camera, and he had no idea until the video went viral online.

In August, 2018, an employee in a Belfast-based Iceland food store was caught on camera helping a shopper’s helpless pet dog.

Luke Carlin was working in-store when he chanced upon a dog tied to one of the posts outside.

“The owner was just nipping into the chemist then all of a sudden the rain started,” the 19-year-old told Belfast Live.

Seeing the poor dog stranded in the rain, Carlin knew he had to help—and kindly shared his jacket with the dog, getting wet in the process.

“Me and a girl who works with me saw the dog, so we agreed to put the jacket over it,” Carlin said.

Carlin and his co-worker were not the only ones who had seen the dog’s situation.

“Shortly after another girl from my work brought the dog out of the rain,” Carlin recalled.

Illustration - Shutterstock | <a href="">Michaelasbest</a>
Illustration - Shutterstock | Michaelasbest

Unbeknownst to Carlin, Stephen McIntosh, who was in his car, happened to witness this heartwarming moment.

McIntosh used his phone to capture the teenager’s act of kindness and uploaded it to his Facebook page. The video soon went viral with many Facebook users praising Carlin for being so considerate.

“The reaction has been so crazy I thought it would have maybe peaked at a few hundred likes on the video when I first initially seen it,” Carlin said.

“It’s been crazy how fast it went viral and I didn’t expect it in anyway but I guess it shows how much people appreciate a genuine act of kindness no matter what it is!” McIntosh added.

When the supermarket learned of the act of kindness, they rewarded Carlin and his co-worker, Lauren McCarten, who took the dog out of the rain, with Customer Service awards and vouchers.

“Luke and Lauren’s quick thinking in sheltering a four legged friend from the rain is exactly the type of attitude we encourage from all our employees and we’re tremendously proud of them both,” said a spokesman from Iceland.

Isn’t it nice that the two were recognized for their good deed?

Watch Carlin’s kind gesture in the video below: