Vietnam Vets Memorial Passes Through NYC

A scale replica of Washington’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial stopped in New York on Monday on its way through the nation, leading up to Veterans Day on Friday.
Vietnam Vets Memorial Passes Through NYC
The "Dignity Memorial Vietnam Wall" at Pier 86 in Manhattan on Monday. Zack Stieber/The Epoch Times
Tara MacIsaac
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NEW YORK—A scale replica of Washington’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial stopped in New York on Monday on its way through the nation, leading up to Veterans Day on Friday.

The “Dignity Memorial Vietnam Wall,” left the UAA11 Staten Island Stadium at 9:30 Monday morning and arrived at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum at Pier 86 in Manhattan.

Two replica versions of the wall tour the United States regularly. One began its tour in 1996, and the other has been on the move for nearly 20 years. In an effort to put faces to the names on the wall, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) is calling for friends and family to submit photos of the more than 58,000 men and women commemorated by The Wall at the Fund’s education center.