Video: Baby Tiger Puts One Paw on His Handler’s Back Before Diving in the Water

Epoch Newsroom

The baby tigers are learning how to live in their compound at the Australia Zoo, and part of that is getting used to the big pool.

Spot and Stripe, the babies, are taught how to swim by the zoo staff.

“Spot is actually much more confident in the water than his brother Stripe,” said one of the staff, Giles.

Tigers are one of the big cats that actually enjoy the water, and they’re powerful swimmers.

“effectively, what you’ve got is this big powerhouse of a unit and on the edge of their paws they’ve got paddles (webbed feet).”

Because Stripe is still to nervous to get in, Giles turns around and lets him ride on his back while getting used to the water.

“That was incredible,” Giles said.