Mark Fisher, whose recent endorsement of former President Donald Trump is making waves, says he recently answered a phone call from a number he didn’t recognize–and was taken aback when he heard the caller announce: “This is Donald Trump.”
During a brief call on Nov. 28, the former president thanked Mr. Fisher for his support and asked whether he was getting backlash for it.
Mr. Fisher’s endorsement was considered a surprise, largely because he is a supporter of Black Lives Matter (BLM)—a group that has had a contentious relationship with President Trump.
President Trump denounced some BLM tactics following racial justice and police brutality protests that turned violent and destructive in 2020; in turn, BLM has demanded that he be barred from holding future office and permanently banned from “all digital media platforms.”
But politics makes strange bedfellows, and Mr. Fisher and President Trump have found common ground.
He praised the former president for supporting black colleges and universities, black entrepreneurs, and black nonviolent offenders.
Mr. Fisher said he also appreciates President Trump’s frankness.
“He’s just so real,” Mr. Fisher said.
Although his chat with President Trump lasted only about four minutes, that quality was evident throughout the conversation, he said.
“I told him how humbled I was that he called, that he took time out of his schedule,” Mr. Fisher said.
Mr. Fisher told The Epoch Times that he was in disbelief and momentarily thought he was listening to a recorded statement after he answered the call at about 1 p.m. on Nov. 28.
But then he recognized President Trump’s voice. “He told me, ‘Mark, you’re the biggest story on the planet!’”

Regardless, Mr. Fisher said it makes him feel “great” to hear from President Trump.
Mr. Fisher said the phone call ended with both of them saying they were looking forward to meeting someday.
The former president invited him to get together for dinner if Mr. Fisher happens to be in Florida, near President Trump’s home, Mr. Fisher said.
News of the endorsement spread, then accelerated after Fox News’ Lawrence Jones invited Mr. Fisher to talk about it during a Nov. 28 broadcast.
In the video, Mr. Fisher says that the Democrat Party has “used and abused” black people for far too long.
“They don’t value our vote,” he said. “Their policies are basically racist policies. And I believe it’s a racist party.”
President Trump is “just the opposite,” Mr. Fisher told Ms. Iversen. “He’s going to tell you how it is; he’s going to give it to you straight.”
Mr. Fisher added, “Trump has done more for the black community than any president I can think of in my lifetime.”
He said black people had been “misled” into voting for Democrats who did nothing to benefit them. But now other black people are starting to “pivot” away from Democrats and incumbent Democrat President Joe Biden. He said he sees them moving toward Republicans and President Trump, who is seeking to become the Republican Party’s presidential nominee for a third time.Recent opinion polls show that President Biden’s support among minorities has been fading. Biden’s approval ratings overall have plunged as citizens continue to express concerns about his economic policies and his response to the Israel–Hamas war.