Trump Calls in During Pennsylvania Election Hearing

Miguel Moreno

President Donald Trump called in for about 10 minutes.

“This was an election that we won easily. We won it by a lot,” he said.

He said a great deal of evidence related to election fraud is coming in—so much that, in his words, it’s touching the ceiling.

And he encouraged his supporters to not be intimidated in the face of threats and push back as his legal team carries on with their work.

“This is a very important moment in the history of our country. And you’re doing a tremendous service to our country. Don’t worry about bravery because the people that talk the most, they’re not the ones you have to worry about. These are all talkers, they intimidate. Don’t be intimidated by these people; they’re bad people; they’re horrible people, and they’re people that don’t love our country.”

The Pennsylvania GOP said the president was going to participate in the hearing along with his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani.

But, according to their Twitter post, they didn’t say he would attend the hearing in person. The White House schedule said he had no public, planned events that day.

Miguel Moreno
Miguel Moreno
Miguel Moreno has worked for years as an NTD reporter, and now mainly works as a producer. Moreno has produced and co-produced multiple programs, including NTD Evening News, The Presidential Roller Coaster: 2024, and Mysteries of Life. Besides being a show producer, Moreno has produced for films, the latest one being "The Unseen Crisis," a documentary on vaccine injuries.
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