Top 10 educational tools all students must use this autumn

Top 10 educational tools all students must use this autumn

Another autumn has arrived, and students’ troubles with academic writing have started all over again. This is a never-ending cycle of academic curriculums becoming more challenging and writing tools becoming more effective. Although professors think of the Internet as something students waste time on, online tools have the potential of making everyone’s work much easier.

When you start using the most effective academic writing tools mentioned in this article, you will understand that autumn doesn’t have to be the most stressful period of the year.


When you are required to implement different styles of referencing for different assignments, academic writing takes a whole other dimension of difficulty. Making a clear difference between the Chicago, MLA, and APA style is impossible for a student with lack of experience in academic writing. is the tool that will put an end to these troubles, because it implements the required referencing style automatically. This will save you a huge amount of time and nerves, so you can keep your focus on the content of your paper.

  1. WriteRoom

WriteRoom is one of the greatest simplistic writing tools available on the web. The synchronization and backup options will definitely make you calmer – you will stop being paranoid about losing what you’ve already written. Moreover, the full screen writing environment of WriteRoom will keep you away from distractions.

  1. Q10

Not all students can enjoy writing academic papers, but Q10 is definitely a tool that can make the process more interesting by providing you with many cool features to choose from. The interface is very simplistic – it only shows the page number, character count, and word count of your document. If you want to create an environment free of any distractions, you can easily get rid of that toolbar as well. 

  1. Time Out

The new semester equals to having many assignments you want to complete with excellence in order to create a great first impression. However, spending too much time working in front of the computer is a dead-end street – your energy levels will be drained away and your ability for creative expression will be inhibited. Time Out is a simple freeware that will make you take breaks during the writing process. Having some time away from the computer will help you come back to your work with renewed energy and new ideas.

  1. Isolator

If you are looking for a tool that will keep you away from distractions while working on a document, you should start using Isolator. This tool will keep only the active windows visible, and the desktop with all icons will be covered up. With fewer distractions on your way, the process of writing will become much more effective.

  1. Write Monkey

Every student is looking for a tool that would make the process of academic writing faster and less complicated. If that is your goal, you should use Write Monkey and experience a whole new level of effective simplicity. This tool will enable you to ignore the use of your computer mouse and keep your hands on the keyboard all the time. It may take some time for you to get used to the keyboard shortcuts, but this technique will definitely make you a much faster writer.

  1. OmmWriter

OmmWriter is arguably the greatest writing tool for Mac users. When you use OmmWriter for the creation of your documents, you will work in a zen environment that’s clean and entirely free of interferences. In the same time, you will be able to use some really cool features that will enable you to work more effectively.

  1. Google Art Project

Writing academic papers is difficult enough when you have sources to draw inspiration from, but it gets even more challenging with art-inspired written projects. This requires a lot of creativity, and it’s not easy when you can’t view the paintings in person. Google Art Project makes that part easier by providing you with huge amounts of information that can be used for your art papers, as well as an ability to see any piece of art you need for the project.

  1. Paper

Paper is a drawing and painting app that enables its users to develop their own sketchbooks in a realistic manner. The app is pretty comparable to the process of working with physical materials. It offers a wide range of expressive tools that make digital art more beautiful than ever.

  1. ArtSite

With the help of ArtSite, students can find valuable information on many important art pieces, which is a feature similar to the Google Art Project. However, ArtSite enables students to organize the materials of their interest and create their own galleries, which will represent their knowledge and taste of art. In addition, ArtSite also enables its users to create portfolios where they will feature their own art.


Thus, you start each autumn with fear of the amount of work your professors will place in front of you. Academic writing is a process that requires a lot of time, experience and effort, but you can start this semester with new ways of making your work more effective, faster, and easier. All online sources we listed in this article will make you a better writer by keeping your focus where it should be. In addition, they will save you a lot of time, which means that you will be able to complete all assignments by the deadline and still have time for being a relaxed student that takes part in all campus events.    

I am a student of journalism. I am interested in iformation technologies especially in ones in the sphere of education. I always observe new tools helping to study and want everybody to know about them.