Titanfall Expedition DLC: Fun With Trees in ‘Swampland’ Map, Expedition Live Stream Date (+Picture)

Respawn Entertainment has released details about “Swampland,” the third and final new Titanfall map in the upcoming Expedition DLC.
Titanfall Expedition DLC: Fun With Trees in ‘Swampland’ Map, Expedition Live Stream Date (+Picture)
Respawn Entertainment

Respawn Entertainment has released details about “Swampland,” the third and final new Titanfall map in the upcoming Expedition DLC.

According to “Swampland” level designer Chris Dionne, the level was conceived in 2011, and the idea behind it was simple: “Make an MP level in a swamp.”

The first version of “Swampland” saw an “almost completely flat level with yellow fog and towering redwoods.”

Later versions saw “a bunch of IMC buildings, temples and massive infrastructure” being added. Although it felt more organic, since it had “clearly defined paths and gave Pilots safe havens and places to wall-run,” Dionne felt that the map had lost its “personality” as a result.

Things started to change, however, when the team started to shift the map’s “towering trees,” which were previously on “Swampland’s” edge, into the center of the map. The three main structures were shifted to the map’s perimeter instead to serve as anchor points.

(Respawn Entertainment)

The result? “Titans dodging around massive trunks; Pilots jumping from tree-to-tree like ninjas,” writes Dionne. “(The trees) were a blast!”

The “final design push” saw a series of minor tweaks, such as the adjusting of sight lines, that helped make the tree-fights more interesting and fun.

“Swampland,” along with “War Games” and “Runoff,” will be available in the Expedition DLC, which is scheduled for release this month.

The Expedition DLC comes with the Titanfall DLC Pass ($25), or can be purchased separately ($10).

More details about the Expedition DLC will be revealed during the Expedition Live Stream with Respawn Community Manager, Abbie Heppe, and Designers Jason McCord, Geoff Smith, and Chris Dionne.

The live stream is set to air on May 12, 3:00 p.m. ET, on Twitch.



Larry Ong
Larry Ong
Larry Ong is a New York-based journalist with Epoch Times. He writes about China and Hong Kong. He is also a graduate of the National University of Singapore, where he read history.