Chinese Communist Party’s Search for a Bogeyman

The commentator presents a compelling argument for why the Chinese Communist regime attacked unarmed monks in March 2008.
Chinese Communist Party’s Search for a Bogeyman

Recent official announcements and news reports suggest an unprecedented challenge is developing for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  Growing unemployment may challenge its legitimacy.

In an Epoch Times interview on November 3, renowned Chinese economist He Qinglian said that, in Chinese media, China’s leaders are blaming its economic woes on the global financial crisis.

Ms. He said this is done to avoid public discontent because of CCP mismanagement of the economy, product safety regulations, and systemic corruption. Tens of thousands of businesses failed because of contaminated foods and unsafe toys beginning in 2007.  China’s stock market collapse began early in 2008, leaving many Chinese investors nearly penniless.

China’s Unemployment Problem Is Not New

The unemployment problem in China has been worsening for years. Many believe this will push the CCP over the cliff. Former CCP leader Jiang Zemin also believed this would happen.

The Epoch Times published an article in 2005 that said that Jiang Zemin, the CCP Secretary, gave the CCP’s ruling body, the Politburo, a plan to preserve CCP rule through fueling nationalism.  His plan was:
  1. Until 2008, every policy should center on the Olympics to further arouse Chinese people’s patriotism and prepare for attacking Taiwan.
  2. Around 2010, reorganize the Party and clean out all the members who are against military action against Taiwan.
  3. Around 2012, attack Taiwan and call for an Emergency Act inside China; through the Emergency Act, (i) the CCP could confiscate private property, (ii) eliminate the groups inside China that the CCP deems “anti-government forces” such as Falun Gong, unofficial churches, human rights activists, advocates for Tibetan independence, advocates for the independence of Xinjiang, and intellectuals, and (iii) arouse Chinese people’s patriotism to resolve the unemployment issue.

China’s Attack on Tibet

Who would have thought that on the eve of the Olympics, China would attack the Tibetan people? On the surface, this suppression was a message to all people in China and the world not to interfere with its Olympic plum, an important component of Jiang’s CCP rescue plan.

The CCP said the crackdown on Tibetan protestors was based on the Dalai Lama fanning Tibetans’ desires for autonomy.

This doesn’t make sense. Quelling dissent, riots, or controlling large peaceful gatherings (which are against the law in China) is an ongoing daily police and paramilitary function in China today. Over 87,000 “mass-incidents” for 2005 were reported by China’s Ministry of Public Security in early 2006.

The greatest question to this day remains unanswered, “Why the extreme response against unarmed monks?”

I propose that China was willing to take the international heat in order to quell its domestic problems and Taiwan’s U-Turn on secession. These problems included more than 80,000 people dying in the Sichuan Earthquake of May 12.; unprecedented storms disrupting people’s lives and the economy; high inflation; thousands of Beijing residents displaced by the Olympics, and Chinese losing their life’s savings as the stock market plummeted.

Taiwan’s U-Turn

Taiwan has been China’s major bogeyman for many years. Late in 2007, it was apparent that on Election Day, March 22, 2008, Taiwan would choose the conciliatory Taiwan Nationalist Party over the secessionist Democratic Progressive Party.

Troops attacked Tibet on March 14, eight days before the Taiwan election. Without Taiwan’s secessionist leadership, the CCP needed a new bogeyman to carry out Jiang Zemin’s plan to divert Chinese discontent away from the CCP before and after the Olympics. The Tibetan crackdown fanned the flames of Chinese nationalism around the world.

The Taiwan Question

Taiwan represents the greatest insult to the CCP regime. The Party says the Chinese people are so diverse and unmanageable that they need strong control.  Taiwan is a vibrant economy with diverse Chinese people living under a democratic system of government. This is a slap in the face for the CCP. It contradicts every excuse it makes for its own oppressive existence.

Ideologically, Taiwan remains the key enemy and the most logical bogeyman.

Will the CCP covertly influence secessionist fervor in Taiwan?  Will Tibet suffice as the bogeyman to sustain the CCP through this period of economic turmoil?

The End Nears

The regime is paying less attention to the “threat” of Tibet as it redirects its resources to economic and governmental problems.

In a sea of growing discontent brought on by the CCP’s systemic corruption, despotism and deceit, the Chinese people may finally realize who the real enemy is.