This EV Stock Has a Better 6-month Return Than Tesla, Ford, Nvidia, and Apple

This EV Stock Has a Better 6-month Return Than Tesla, Ford, Nvidia, and Apple
Courtesy of Lucid via Benzinga

Lucid Group Inc. aims to create sustainable mobility without compromise, and recent traders and investors in the luxury EV-maker have been rewarded handsomely.

Since July 2021, Lucid stock’s six-month return has outperformed several of the world’s most popular EV and tech stocks: Tesla Inc, Ford Motor Company, NVIDIA Corporation, and Apple Inc.

Lucid is a technology and automotive firm that develops the next generation of EV technologies. Lucid is also a fully vertically integrated company that designs, engineers and builds EVs, EV powertrains, and battery systems in-house using its own equipment and factory.

As of summer 2021, Lucid operated eight retail studios in the United States. The company is headquartered in Newark, California.

Here’s How the Returns Break Down From July 2021 to Present

Apple is up from $144.50 to $175.08 for a return of 21.16 percent

Nvidia is up from $205.13 to $278.17 for a return of 35.61 percent

Tesla is up from $685.70 to $1,064.40 for a return of 55.23 percent

Ford is up from $14.61 to $24.35 for a return of 66.67 percent

And finally, Lucid is up from $26.85 to $45.47 for a return of 69.35 percent

By Henry Khederian
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