Woman Dumped via Text Gets the Last Laugh


Getting dumped usually stinks. Getting dumped via text: some might find that downright insulting. But for Christa Clark of Buffalo, NY, it was that text conversation that got her a parting gift: the 3-carat $53,000 engagement ring.

Clark was engaged to Buffalo restaurant owner Louis J. Billittier Jr., and were together for fourteen months. However, back in July of 2012, Billittier called off the engagement via text because Clark would not sign a pre-nuptial agreement.

“Your [sic] doing this through a text message????” she replied.

“Plus you get a $50,000 parting ring,” he replied, “Enough for a down payment on a house.”

It was that text that convinced New York State Supreme Court Justice Russell Buscaglia to rule in Clark’s favor, saying that the text implied Clark would be able to keep the ring.

State law states that engagement rings can be returned to the gifting spouse, but not if there is evidence that it was an unconditional gift.

If you need help picking out an engagement ring, we can give you a few tips. But an additional tip: try to be nicer if things don’t work out.