Texas Police Dept. Writes Note to Excuse Man From Work, Due to Weather

Texas Police Dept. Writes Note to Excuse Man From Work, Due to Weather
A man walks along Ridge Road as snow falls in Raleigh, North Carolina on January 17, 2018. Lance King/Getty Images
Bowen Xiao

Brutal winter weather conditions have some citizens worried about having to go to work. But one man got what he wanted in a surprising way.

Earlier this week the San Antonio area in Texas was hit with freezing temperatures, leading to extremely icy roads susceptible to accidents, CBS affiliate KFDM reported.

Police departments around the area have warned drivers to avoid the road conditions, as schools and business shut down.

The Seguin Police Department (SPD) issued a warning on Tuesday, Jan. 16, stating that all city of Seguin offices would be closed for the day.

“The roads are really icy and will only keep getting worse today. Only our ‘essential services’ employees will be on duty during this time. We encourage you to follow our lead,” the post read in part.

But one man, Justin Garcia, still had to work, so he reached out to SPD asking them to write a note to get him a day off.

According to Accuweather, the temperatures on Tuesday for the city of Seguin hit lows around 26 degrees Fahrenheit.

Amazingly enough, SPD did reply to Garcia’s request.

“Dear Justin’s Boss, The roads are bad and are going to get worse. Much worse. Please let him stay home, warm and safe and enjoy some Hulu or some cool shows on Netflix. And, he needs a raise. He rocks,” Deputy Chief Bruce Ure wrote in a Facebook post.

To top it off, the note from the department actually worked and Garcia got the day off according to Facebook comments.

Garcia also got a raise at the start of the year.

From NTD.tv
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Bowen Xiao
Bowen Xiao
Bowen Xiao was a New York-based reporter at The Epoch Times. He covers national security, human trafficking and U.S. politics.