Teens Gift Huge Clothing Haul to Freshman Bullied for Wearing Same Clothes

Teens Gift Huge Clothing Haul to Freshman Bullied for Wearing Same Clothes
(Illustration - Shutterstock)
From the archives: This story was last updated in September 2019.
Freshman Michael Todd, from Tennessee, had been teased for three weeks in a row for wearing the same outfit to school every day in September 2019. However, one day two high school footballers pulled him out of class and turned his world upside down with an unexpected gesture.
“I’ve been bullied my entire life,” 14-year-old Todd of MLK College Preparatory School in Memphis, Tennessee, revealed to WHBQ-TV. “I really don’t have clothes at home. My mom can’t buy clothes for me because I’m growing too fast.”

By early September of 2019, fellow freshman Kristopher Graham, 14, had stopped finding humor in Todd’s misfortune. “When I saw people laugh and bully him, I felt like I needed to do something,” Graham said.

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The teen called on his friend Antwain Garrett, 16, and the pair concocted a plan of action.

Graham amassed a collection of clothes for Todd from his own closet; Garrett added to the haul with a pair of brand-new shoes, among some other items of his own. Then, it was time to approach their bullied classmate.

The football players pulled Todd from his third-period class and confronted him in the hallway. But Todd’s nerves were unfounded; Graham and Garrett simply wanted to share the gift of new clothes and shoes that would radically transform Todd’s high school experience from that moment on.

“He wasn’t smiling or anything,” Graham recalled, “and I was like, ‘I think this is going to make you smile.’”

Graham apologized for being one of many students who laughed at Todd for his limited wardrobe, adding: “I want to give you something to make it up.” A classmate filmed the exchange and the footage went viral.

Todd was blown away by the two teens’ kind gesture. “This is, like, the second shoes I have on right now. Basically, that’s all,” Todd explained, adding for his classmates’ benefit: “You guys are the best guys of my entire life.”

“It was a weak moment for me,” Garrett admitted to WHBQ-TV. “I almost cried.”

“And then I almost cried at lunch when he said, ‘You two are the only ones to give me a gift,’” Graham added.

According to the United States’ Stop Bullying initiative, between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 U.S. students say they have been bullied at school.

Inspired by the news coverage of Todd’s plight and the generosity of his fellow students, offers poured in from numerous states to send the young student clothes and shoes.

Graham and Garrett’s stand against bullying has inspired many people to think of those less fortunate than themselves. One of those people was the actor and musician Will Smith, who paid an unexpected tribute to the trio of high schoolers on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

On Sept. 20, 2019, Todd, Graham, and Garrett regaled their inspiring story to Ellen and her studio audience before Smith made his surprise appearance from backstage.

“So I saw the video,” Smith told the shocked trio of high schoolers, “and me and Jada were sitting around and were like, ‘That is fantastic, there is no way that I’m letting this pass without making contact with these kids.’”

“What you did felt small to you,” Smith continued, “but I promise you that is exactly how human beings are supposed to interact with each other. Somebody is having a hard time and you help them. It’s that simple.”

Smith then ushered in gym bags full of brand-new, pre-released New Balance swag for the three boys, plus gear for the whole student body at MLK Prep, and a US$10,000 check each for Todd, Graham, and Garrett, courtesy of photo company Shutterfly.

“This is an act of kindness that I don’t want to soon be forgotten,” Smith said. He made their day.

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