Teen With Anxiety in Tears After Bullies Pour a Jug of Juice Over Her Head on Prom Night

Teen With Anxiety in Tears After Bullies Pour a Jug of Juice Over Her Head on Prom Night
Illustration - Pixabay
Michael Wing

The pressure to “fit in” in high school often leads to problems such as bullying as a misguided attempt to be accepted and anxiety when the pressure simply becomes too much.

Unfortunately, that can result in some traumatizing high school experiences. How great would it be if we could teach our teens to act a tad more wisely?

Emilee Perry, a lovely 16-year-old, from Doncaster, England, felt the brunt of that cruel bullying during prom night in June 2019. What should have been a memorable (positive) life experience turned into a living nightmare.

Prom night is when young teens have their moment to shine, but it also brings its own stresses: finding a date, dressing up, arriving in style. But for Emilee, the pressure was too much. She, like many others, suffers from anxiety.

Because of her anxiety, Emilee told her mother that she did not want to go to the prom. However, her mother, Tracy Perry, thought her daughter should go, and so she tried to convince her to attend what ought to be a night to remember.

It took some persuasion, as Emilee was deeply hesitant, but her mom eventually convinced her. So, she went.

However, just two hours into the prom, Emilee came out and was in tears. A bully had cruelly poured a full jug of juice all over her head. Her hair, her gown, and her whole body were soaked.

When Tracy saw what had happened, she was furious. She took to social media and posted several pictures of her daughter taken from that night, showing the whole world the aftermath of the incident. Along with these, she wrote:

This is my beautiful daughter who suffers from anxiety whom we had to beg to go to the prom this evening. Two hours later I collect her from the prom like this, heartbroken and in a state.
The culprit is clearly a malicious bitch who thought she would pour a full jug of juice over her and soak her from head to toe. I hope one day someone humiliates and devastates her like she has done to my daughter!!!!

In response to the cruel and traumatizing bullying act, social media users responded in droves; literally thousands of people responded and commented, offering words of support for the devastated teen.

Not surprisingly, some even suggested retribution and requested the bully’s full name.

Among some of the more decent comments, Facebook user Tricey wrote, “This is so terrible! Sometimes when people see you looking lovely they can’t but help being jealous. I hope this experience hasn’t dampened your confidence too much because you are beautiful! Hold your head high and shine.”

Another person, named Stephen, added, “Keep your head high young Emilee. You will go on to achieve so much in life with a mum like yours protecting you.”

Emilee couldn’t help but be moved by all the love and encouragement that she received. In response to all the commenters, she wrote:

Wow, I just want to take the time out to thank each and every person that has gone out of the way to absolutely shower me with love and support. It is greatly appreciated and I will most certainly be eternally grateful for the extremely unexpected outcome of this situation! I’ve had so much support. The way that people have responded has absolutely overwhelmed me and has proven to me that I can get through everything and hope that this makes me a stronger person.
Michael Wing
Michael Wing
Editor and Writer
Michael Wing is a writer and editor based in Calgary, Canada, where he was born and educated in the arts. He writes mainly on culture, human interest, and trending news.
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