Tea Party Groups to Pressure Lawmakers to End Impeachment Effort

Tea Party Groups to Pressure Lawmakers to End Impeachment Effort
Then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally organized by the Tea Party Patriots in front of the Capitol in Washington on Sept. 9, 2015. (NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON—Conservative activists are launching a nationwide campaign to pressure Congress members to back away from their interest in impeaching President Donald Trump for his phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.

Democrats led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi call for an impeachment inquiry into Trump, who asked Zelensky to help him investigate Democratic former Vice President Joe Biden for admittedly pressuring Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was probing Burisma Holdings gas company. Hunter Biden, Biden’s son, was on the company’s board during the Obama administration. Trump maintains that he did nothing wrong by discussing the issue with Zelensky.

Insiders view Democratic congressmen in swing districts as being vulnerable in their 2020 reelection bids if they champion the impeachment of Trump.

Tea Party Patriots and other local tea party groups are mobilizing in support of the president.

Jenny Beth Martin, Tea Party Patriots co-founder and honorary chair, explained her strategy.

“Tea Party Patriots Action is asking everyone who supports President Trump and is upset about the witch hunt that has now turned into an impeachment inquiry to visit their local congressional office on Wednesday, Oct. 9,” Martin told The Epoch Times.

“Grab a buddy or two, show up at your local congressional office on Oct. 9, and exercise your First Amendment rights. Let your representative know you do not want the 2016 presidential election undone and do not want President Trump to be impeached.

“Now is the time to act. Turn your passion and anger and frustration into action to stand for President Trump and against impeachment. Show up and make your voices heard.

“These are congressional office visits and not specifically meant to be protests. If you prefer a demonstration and are able to host an event at your local congressional office, please use our event page to sign up. If not, just grab a few buddies and visit your congressman or congresswoman’s local office.”

Atlanta Tea Party leader Debbie Dooley said her organization is ready to go on Oct. 9.

“We’re having a protest and office visit. We’re going to be visiting Rep. Lucy McBath’s office and protesting her support of the impeachment inquiry,” Dooley said.

“We will have 50 to 100 people there. We'll be at her office and in the parking lot outside. Impeachment is not a fact-finding mission, they are just trying to overturn the results of the 2016 election.”

Dooley said that tea party groups are eyeing “31 to 33 swing districts” as prime opportunities to pressure lawmakers against impeachment.

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