Supply Chain Issues Slow French Manufacturing Growth in October: PMI

Supply Chain Issues Slow French Manufacturing Growth in October: PMI
Amazon trailer trucks are seen at Cherbourg Harbour, France on Jan. 21, 2021. Gonzalo Fuentes/Reuters

PARIS—Supply chain issues hit France’s manufacturing sector in October, where the slowdown in growth came broadly in line with initial forecasts, a monthly survey showed on Tuesday.

Data compiler IHS Markit said its final purchasing managers’ index for French manufacturing in October fell to 53.6 points from 55.0 in September, up a notch from an initial “flash” estimate of 53.5.

The index remained above the 50-point line dividing expansions in activity from contractions, but IHS Markit senior economist Joe Hayes said supply chain problems could continue to weigh on the sector.

IHS Markit added that manufacturing output had declined in France for the first time since January as a result of problems with supplies of key goods, caused partly by strict COVID-19 controls which have affected ports.

“Because firms cannot secure the inputs needed to make their products, orders are now also falling as clients are facing lengthy delays on orders or are unable to get components and other items needed to turn semi-finished goods into finished goods,” said Hayes.

“It’s difficult to imagine the situation improving any time soon. Prudent inventory management will be crucial for businesses hoping to keep production lines going,” he added.