Storm Damages Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center in Huntington Beach

Storm Damages Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center in Huntington Beach
The Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center in Huntington Beach, Calif., on May 5, 2021. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

The Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center—a rehabilitation facility for injured wildlife in Huntington Beach, California—suffered significant damage to its roof, electrical conduits, and pool pumps after recent heavy storms, officials said.

Debby McGuire, the center’s co-founder and executive director, told The Epoch Times insurance won’t cover the damage, forcing them to seek donations.

“We need assistance and money to help with the repairs,” she said.

According to McGuire, the center has limited funds in its annual budget in case of a disaster. Funds needed to repair the damage, she said, are $23,000.

Thus far, they’ve raised over $11,000 in donations as of Friday. Those who are interested in donating can do so at

The water damage includes their hospital roof, which is leaking and ruining ceiling tiles; electrical conduits, which caused an electrical short; and the outdoor pool pumps, now inoperable, leaving their sea birds without clean water.

As a result, the center closed down its treatment and nursery area until repairs can be finished, of which such time is unclear. All wildlife has been temporarily moved to a different part of the center.

Additionally, the center has been receiving weak, anemic, and hypothermic animals affected by the storm including birds struggling to hunt for fish in rough seas and squirrels displaced by winds and storms, according to McGuire.

The center has played a significant role in saving wildlife in Southern California, such as rehabilitating a dozen brown pelicans suffering from low body temperatures, dehydration, malnutrition, and parasites last year.