Quebec Will Backtrack on Unvax Tax: Provincial Liberal Health Critic

Quebec Will Backtrack on Unvax Tax: Provincial Liberal Health Critic
People gather to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates and masking measures during a rally in Kingston, Ont., on Nov. 14, 2021. (The Canadian Press/Lars Hagberg)
The Canadian Press

Quebec’s Liberal party opposition says it believes the government’s plan to tax adults who refuse to get vaccinated against COVID-19 will soon be reversed.

Liberal health critic Monsef Derraji says he expects the idea will be abandoned the same way the province backtracked on its plan to force health care workers to get vaccinated or be suspended without pay.

He says he'll give it four to six weeks before the government says it tried its best to push people to get vaccinated, eventually admitting it wasn’t a realistic idea.

Tuesday, Legault said he planned to impose a “significant” penalty on people who refuse to be vaccinated against COVID-19 for non-medical reasons.

Derraji argues the announcement merely served as a distraction from Dr. Horacio Arruda’s resignation as public health director and the return of in-person classes on Monday.