Poll: Most Voters Prefer Free Market System to Socialism

Poll: Most Voters Prefer Free Market System to Socialism
The New York Stock Exchange on Broad Street, New York, on Sept. 7, 2017. Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times
Bowen Xiao

A new poll has revealed that a majority of Americans prefer a free market economic system over a socialist system.

The July 5 poll by Rassmussen found that 74% of likely U.S. voters preferred a free market economic system rather than a socialist system. In contrast, 13% think that socialism is a better system, economically. Another 13% were undecided.

The national survey was conducted by telephone and online over July 1 and 2.

The findings come after long-serving Rep. Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.) lost his seat for reelection in a stunning upset to 28-year-old far-left political newcomer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Bowen Xiao
Bowen Xiao
Bowen Xiao was a New York-based reporter at The Epoch Times. He covers national security, human trafficking and U.S. politics.