Paul Ryan Intern Accused of Internet Stalking

Paul Ryan intern accused: A former intern with Rep. Paul Ryan and former Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney was accused of stalking.
Paul Ryan Intern Accused of Internet Stalking

Paul Ryan intern accusedA former intern with Rep. Paul Ryan and former Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney was accused of stalking.

Adam Savader, who worked with the GOP campaign, was arrested and charged with cyber stalking and Internet extortion, the FBI said in a press release this week.

A complaint alleges that Savader, 21, of New York, claimed he had compromising photographs of women and threatened that he would send them to family members and friends.

The FBI was notified of the scam when a victim told the Ann Arbor Police Department that she got threatening messages from a person who had obtained images of her.

“Detectives with the Ann Arbor P.D. partnered with FBI agents to investigate the case and together identified 15 victims in Detroit; Washington, D.C.; and Long Island, New York,” the FBI said in a release.

He faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison if found guilty. He is currently in federal court in New York and will later be sent to Michigan.

According to his Twitter account, Savader said he was the “sole intern” of Ryan and was “on @MittRomney’s campaign and a @newtgingrich campaign staffer.”

Fox News reported that he is a political science student at SUNY Farmingdale.

“Listen to me. If we don’t have a deal I will send the pictures to those people. Is that what u want? remember what’s at stake,” he allegedly texted one of the women, according to Politico.