Parents Baffled by Baby’s Nighttime Crib Escape–Until Family’s 2 Dogs Show Up on Nanny Cam

Parents Baffled by Baby’s Nighttime Crib Escape–Until Family’s 2 Dogs Show Up on Nanny Cam
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It was a perfectly executed liberation.

Fifteen-month-old Chloe Cardinal’s best friends in the whole world were her family’s two golden retrievers, Colby and Bleu. They were inseparable. Chloe’s father, Chris Cardinal, even let slip to ABC News that “lately, she’s been dropping food to them from their bin.”

Was this the reason that Chloe, Colby, and Bleu became nighttime partners in crime?

One night, Chloe’s parents woke up extremely early in their Phoenix, Arizona, home. Expertly tuned-in to their baby, the parents heard Chloe stirring over the baby monitor and went to investigate.

“I came out from my bedroom to find her wandering the hallway,” mom Nina Cardinal told Inside Edition, “which was a little bit shocking. Like, ‘What are you doing out here?’”

Nina and Chris explained that Chloe couldn’t get out of her bed by herself; her bed was guarded by a mesh barrier. The tiny tot also wasn’t tall enough to reach her bedroom door handle. So what on earth had happened?

She had help, as they soon learned.

The perplexed parents didn’t know what to make of their baby’s pre-dawn shenanigans. That was until they looked at their Nest Cam baby monitor’s footage.

The revealing video contained not only the method of little Chloe’s escape but also the accomplices that aided and abetted the break! It hadn’t been Chloe’s idea to escape her crib after all!

As Chris and Nina watched, they saw their friendly family pups Colby and Bleu using their noses to nudge open their baby girl’s bedroom door. Once they succeeded in waking their tiny friend, the playful dogs snatched her stuffed toy and tried to encourage the tot to follow them.

She did. Using her largest stuffed toy as a makeshift crash mat, Chloe tumbled gently to the ground and followed her buddies out into the hall.

“They figured she must be good to feed them breakfast,” dad Chris joked with ABC News. Smart dogs! The tickled parents also informed the news channel that they planned to move house and that their new house had “door knobs, not door handles.”

Chloe, Colby, and Bleu, your future escape attempts have been foiled!

The tiny tot’s parents decided to create a time-lapse video from their Nest Cam footage and share it on YouTube for the delectation of their friends and fans. We’re glad they did; the video has so far garnered over 2.9 million views.

“She’s an escape artist,” Nina joked of her daughter.

She’s also a great secret keeper. “She didn’t give [the dogs] up,” Chris later told the Daily Mail, adding that little Chloe was way too distracted by her unsatisfied demands for an early breakfast to tell tales on her accomplices.

“I think cute babies and cute dogs are a really nice bit of news when so much not-nice-news is happening,” Chris added. “So it doesn’t surprise me when things spread like that!”

The Cardinals are no strangers to viral fame. The eagle-eyed among you might even recognize Colby and Bleu, because the sweet brothers in arms are already famous. That’s right, the two adorable dogs go by the moniker “Cheese Pups” on social media after a video of them stampeding for their dinner went viral in 2015.

Is there anything more joyful than a toddler and her best dog friends getting into a little mischief?