Pacifica Shark Attack: Great White Shakes up Kayaker

Pacifica Shark Attack: Great White Shakes up Kayaker
Micah Flanaburg describes the shark attack he survived unscathed off the coast of California near Pacifica State Beach on Tuesday, June 25, 2013. Screenshot/ABC 7
Tara MacIsaac

Pacifica shark attack: Micah Flanaburg was fishing with his father-in-law near Pacifica State Beach in California on Tuesday when a great white shark latched on to his kayak, lifting and shaking him.

“Probably the scariest part was when it let go, ’cause it swam back around and I thought he was going to come and take another bite, right where my legs were,” Flanaburg told KPIX 5. The shark left without injuring Flanaburg or his father-in-law, Ross Webber.

Able to laugh about it after, Webber told ABC 7 that Flanaburg “was riding it like a bull.” The attack lasted about 10 seconds, said Flanaburg, but felt much longer. Flanaburg said he had his paddle, his fishing rod, and a bottle of home brew, all of which went flying out of the kayak when the shark shook him up.

Shark attacks are extremely rare in the area. Authorities posted signs following the attack, but that didn’t stop surfers from getting in.