Over 6,000 Have Participated in Election Integrity Trainings so Far: Tea Party Patriots’ Co-founder

Over 6,000 Have Participated in Election Integrity Trainings so Far: Tea Party Patriots’ Co-founder
Jenny Beth Martin Co-founder of The Tea Party Patriots, interview with Epoch TV Facts Matter program Aug. 17, 2022.
Masooma Haq
Roman Balmakov
The Tea Party Patriots, led by co-founder Jenny Beth Martin, after the 2020 presidential election began election improvement efforts and coordinated with other organizations to implement training programs to ensure a higher level of election integrity throughout the United States.
The goal of their training, which has had over 6,000 participants, is to “have citizens exercising their legal rights under their state law to make sure that there is a check and balance on the election system,” Martin told Epoch TV’s “Facts Matter” during a recent interview.
Their efforts are focused on Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan—the states that had the most problems counting ballots during the 2020 elections. Certain counties in these states had questionable election processes during the presidential election and revealed gaps in election integrity.
Epoch TV (Screenshot)
Epoch TV (Screenshot)
The Tea Party Patriot election integrity training was developed by Cleta Mitchell, who is an attorney and the senior legal fellow at the Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI) and chairs the CPI’s Election Integrity Network.

Martin said that the 2020 election taught conservatives that being a poll worker wasn’t enough, so in response, the training includes, “getting to know the people in your election board and showing up and watching the decisions that they are making before elections ever happen.”

The organization’s ultimate goal is to build a permanent election integrity infrastructure.

The training teaches participants how to improve local election infrastructure by “researching the contracts and understanding the processes for election boards, understanding how absentee ballots work … making sure they’re processed properly when they’re returned, understanding the election system, which includes the paper and also the computers and being present for logic and accuracy testing,” said Martin.

She said that Georgia is well organized between its own local integrity efforts and her group, which has been able to get tangible results in improving election integrity. More integrity was brought to a local Democrat county commissioner race, where the candidate was able to get a recount that resulted in her winning the race.

“The election board [including] Democrats and Republicans all helped out and made sure that they helped get the outcome of this election, right. They did a hand count of that election, and instead of coming in third place, which is what the machine count showed, she actually was the first place finisher, went on to the runoff, and is now the nominee for the Democrat side,” said Martin.

The mainstream media has maligned the efforts of the Conservative Partnership Institute and Martin’s group, accusing them of siding with former President Donald Trump’s narrative about a stolen election.

Martin said she can’t control how the mainstream media chooses to portray their work, “but what I can do is make sure we at least understand the laws and what we are able to choose, safeguard, and correct [election processes] and that we are the check and balance that the state law actually has in the statute.”

Masooma Haq began reporting for The Epoch Times from Pakistan in 2008. She currently covers a variety of topics including U.S. government, culture, and entertainment.
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