Organ Transplants in China: The Numbers Tell the Truth

Organ Transplants in China: The Numbers Tell the Truth

According to a report by Hong Kong’s Sing Tao Daily on December 3, 2005, Huang Jiefu, vice-minister of the Chinese Ministry of Public Health, said that only 5 percent of transplant organs came from volunteer donors and that the other 95 percent came from executed prisoners. A medical doctor questions those numbers.

According to Dr. Huang Shih-wei, of St. Martin De Porres Hospital’s urology department, Chiayi City, Taiwan, a simple collation of information can reveal whether the communist regime is lying.

Dr. Huang said that with the Internet well-developed, many hospitals in China boast about their “achievements” by publishing annual organ transplant statistics on their websites. By simply adding up the total of transplant operations carried out in these hospitals and comparing the total with the number of executed prisoners, one can easily find out whether the regime is lying.

According to Amnesty International, the total number of executed prisoners in China last year was estimated to be between 4,000 and 10,000. Even including those with unhealthy organs, such as prisoners with AIDS, syphilis, Type B hepatitis, kidney disease, liver disease and elderly prisoners in poor health, it is estimated that, at maximum, executed prisoners could only provide organs for up to 10,000 transplant patients annually.

However, at present, many hospitals in China have advertised that they can supply organs from young and healthy donors. Considering that transplant operations require a good match of organs, Huang said that the regime’s official number of executed prisoners able to provide organs is highly questionable.

Huang cited as an example the achievements published on the website of the Tianjin First Central Hospital East’s organ transplant center. In 2004, the Tianjin First Central Hospital alone completed 1,601 organ transplants.

On March 26, Hong Kong’s Phoenix TV Station reported that 368 hospitals in China had the capability of performing organ transplant operations, and more than 200 hospitals had the capability of performing liver transplant operations.

Huang strongly suspects that the total number of transplants annually carried out in China far exceed the 10,000 plus cases announced by the communist regime. The actual number of transplants may even be as high as several tens of thousands. Moreover, Huang thinks that the Chinese regime’s claim that executed prisoners are the source of 95 percent of the organs is highly suspect.