Can Canada Be Saved From Extinction?

Can Canada Be Saved From Extinction?
The greatest crisis facing the West is population collapse stemming from anti-life and anti-family mentalities fuelled by contraception and abortion, writes Pete Baklinski. (Juanma Hache/Getty Images)
Pete Baklinski

The greatest crisis now facing the West is not so-called climate change or the real dangers of mass immigration, although these are being used by global influencers to destabilize populations and even overthrow sovereignties. The greatest crisis is not the rise of surveillance regimes that gravely threaten freedom and democracy, nor is it the rise of a legion of sexual ideologies that assault the primordial male-female binary and the procreative relationship that is its exclusive prerogative.

A crisis that runs much deeper, and is far more serious in its effect, is population collapse which is leading to the extinction and annihilation of Western civilization. The West today is destroying itself. It is a rapidly accelerating suicide at the heart of which are anti-life and anti-family mentalities fuelled by contraception and abortion.

Here is a look at the numbers.

In the 1950s, Canada’s golden age of fertility, the average woman bore about four children over her lifespan. Since then, the fertility rate has steadily declined to today’s dismal rate of 1.3, a staggering decrease of 64 percent, well below the 2.1 children per woman needed for the population to replace itself in order to maintain the health of current social structures. Canada also has an aging population lacking the support base of younger generations, which inevitably spells economic doom and national disaster, though immigration as a band-aid solution may stem this for a while.
Canada’s decline in the fertility rate in the 1960s inversely followed the introduction and widespread acceptance of the contraceptive pill, a medical intervention that separates sexual relations from procreation, resulting in the somewhat unanticipated malady of modern child aversion. Today, an estimated four out of five Canadian women use some form of contraception, preventing the conception of tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of Canadian babies annually. Contraception is certainly a big driver of the West’s suicide.

But it gets worse.

When contraception fails, as it often does, couples demand a legal backup solution to deal with the problem of a pregnancy—a preborn human baby—that they now consider “unwanted.”

According to abortion activists, most abortions are a result of failed contraception. Abortion is responsible for the killing of some 100,000 Canadian babies annually, which comes to over 4 million babies erased since the deadly procedure was first decriminalized in 1969. Abortion is the leading cause of death in Canada, even surpassing cancer and heart disease, and is literally killing the country’s future.
Newly elected Argentina President Javier Milei recently shocked global elites meeting at the World Economic Forum event in Switzerland when he lambasted “population control mechanisms” including the “bloody agenda of abortion” as “harmful” programs that are destroying the world.
If Canada’s fertility rate remained constant at 1.3 instead of continuing its downward plunge, Canada’s 40 million people would be halved by 2093 and halved again by 2137, according to a simulated model created by the French Institute for Demographic Studies. By 2181, the population would be 5 million. By 2580, the population would become extinct.

It is not only countries in the West that are heading toward extinction.

China ended its one child policy a few years ago when the communist regime realized the colossal error it made in forcibly limiting the size of its population due to over-population doomsayers in the 1960s who proved to be entirely wrong. The one-child policy involved massive human rights violations including forced sterilization and abortion. The heavy-handed tactics worked too well.

China is now heading toward a demographic collapse. With a fertility rate even lower than Canada’s at 1.0, the Chinese Communist Party is panicking as it tries to bend the stick the other way, encouraging women to have more children. But women who have been fed the steady diet of previous propaganda that told them to poison their fertility and not have children, or only have one child, are not going along with the program, as recently reported in the Wall Street Journal. Chinese women, like Western women, have been infected by the malady of child aversion, sealing the fate of both civilizations.

Has all been lost? Is there no way to turn this situation around?

Saving the West from extinction requires the recovery of two lost values.

First is the recovery of the value of fertility as a sacred gift and a precious treasure. Today’s so-called sex education in schools perverts children, especially females, into viewing their fertility as a threat to their autonomy that must be managed, controlled, and even eliminated by injections, pills, or intrauterine devices. These poison the woman’s body, upsetting her hormonal balance and making her body hostile to growing new life.

These sex-ed programs are anti-life and anti-family. They must be destroyed and replaced by programs that teach children to cherish the power they will have to generate new human life as they enter into adulthood. Children must be taught about the serious responsibility that accompanies the use of the semi-divine power of generating new human life, each instance of which bears the likeness of God. With this great power of generation comes great responsibility. They must be taught that new life flourishes best in the context of an exclusive, committed, and life-long relationship between a man and woman.

Secondly, there must be a recovery of the value of large families. Ancient cultures understood the value of the large family. The fathers of the Judaeo/Christian faith tradition rightly saw it as being blessed by God to have a great nation spring from their loins. Abraham valued and cherished that he would have descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the shore (Genesis 22:17). God’s first command to mankind was to “multiply and fill the earth” (Genesis 1:28). This original command, which remains in effect today, has now become relevant to mankind’s very survival.

Recently, Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk has come out strongly in favour of parents having more children. “Having children is saving the world,” he posted on X to his 170 million followers last September.

The survival of Western civilization, with all the good that it has achieved throughout the ages, now rests with parents who, with gallant hearts, decide to raise a large family, and in doing so are doing their part in saving the West from extinction.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Pete Baklinski is married to Erin and together they have eight children with one more on the way. He has a master's degree in theology. He worked in news media as a reporter and editor for a decade before serving as communications director for Campaign Life Coalition. He lives in Ontario.
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