Norwegian Military Presents Own Investigation of Wikileaks

The Norwegian military started their own investigation into the elements that relate to the Norwegian armed forces.
Norwegian Military Presents Own Investigation of Wikileaks
When the Wikileaks Afghan papers made headlines earlier this week, the Norwegian military started their own investigation into the elements that relate to the Norwegian armed forces.

According to an official statement from Norway military headquarters on July 28, the leaked material agrees with its own information already available to the public, although they said the Wikileaks documents contain certain errors.

Lt. Col. Morten Mo who led the Norwegian investigation said that one example of inaccuracy was an incident describing a man with a flashlight, who was reportedly killed by the Norwegian armed forced. Their own investigations found this to be wrong.

Mo said that further work will be done to investigate the eventual damaging effects of the Wikileaks material, but the results will not be published because of safety concerns for Norwegian soldiers.

Norway has 511 soldiers in Afghanistan under the command of the U.N.-sanctioned International Security Assistance Force.