Nexus 6 / Moto S Release Date, Rumors: Is Motorola/Google ‘Shamu’ An Android Silver Phone?

Is the upcoming Moto S going to be an Android Silver phone instead of a Nexus phone?
Nexus 6 / Moto S Release Date, Rumors: Is Motorola/Google  ‘Shamu’ An Android Silver Phone?
The Nexus 5. Google/AP Photo

Is the upcoming Moto S going to be an Android Silver phone instead of a Nexus phone?

Specs and carrier details of the Moto S have been revealed.

On a recent GFXBench benchmark test, a Motorola phone with a 5.2-inch QHD display, a 2,649 Mhz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, 2.9GB of RAM, and 24GB of internal storage was spotted.

Much more recently, tech tipster TK Tech News revealed that a “Moto S,” which he suspects is the rumored Nexus 6 “Shamu,” will be carried by Verizon in the United States.

The phone reportedly has a 5.9-inch, 2K display, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 with an Adreno 420 GPU, and spots a 13 mega-pixel rear camera and a 2.1 mega-pixel front camera.

It won’t have a fingerprint scanner, however, which is odd considering how smartphone big guns Apple and Samsung have included fingerprint scanners in their flagship devices.

At present, TK Tech is trying to confirm the Moto S label.

TK Tech suspects that the phone could be the first Android Silver device.

Android Silver is a programme that was supposed to succeed the Nexus series. It revolves around Google working together with different manufacturers to bring about a premium and more dedicated Android experience.

Google, who mooted the idea last year, has denied this year that they are ending the Nexus series.

Still, the lack of an announcement about a new Nexus phone from Google and Motorola, along with the phone’s “Moto S” designation, could hint that Google is finally moving away from the Nexus designation, and into a new Android Silver era. 





Larry Ong
Larry Ong
Larry Ong is a New York-based journalist with Epoch Times. He writes about China and Hong Kong. He is also a graduate of the National University of Singapore, where he read history.