New Pictures and Documents Reveal True Story of Brock Turner’s Party and Drug Habits

Images of Brock Turner, the Standford swimmer who sexaully assaulted an unconcious woman, show him partying and using drugs before his college days.
New Pictures and Documents Reveal True Story of Brock Turner’s Party and Drug Habits
Brock Turner, a former Stanford University swimmer will be release from jail on Sept. 2. (Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office)

Images of Brock Turner, the Standford swimmer who sexually assaulted an unconscious woman, show him partying and using drugs in Ohio before his college days.

Documents and pictures obtained by ABC News, and revealed on June 9, show Turner as the opposite of what he, his family, and his friends described during the trial.

Turner, then-19, sexually assaulted a woman after a party on campus on Jan. 17, 2015. Two PhD students who were riding their bikes found Turner assaulting the woman and intervened. They called the authorities and Turner was arrested that night.

In a letter to the judge, Turner blamed the assault on college “party culture.”

“Coming from a small town in Ohio, I never really experienced celebrating or partying that involved alcohol,” he said in his letter.

Turner told the judge he doesn’t “do illicit drugs,” but prosecutors revealed pictures of him smoking what appears to be a hash pipe, before his college days. Text messages also referenced harder drugs.

Pictures of Turner wearing his Stanford swimming shirt, apparently holding a bong at a party, were also revealed in court, according to ABC News.

In his letter to the judge, Turner described himself as a person who was influenced by the college partying culture.

“I’ve been shattered by the party culture and risk taking behavior that I briefly experienced in my four months at school,” he wrote.

“I’ve lost my chance to swim in the Olympics. I’ve lost my ability to obtain a Stanford degree. I’ve lost employment opportunity, my reputation and most of all, my life,” wrote Turner.

Santa Clara County Judge Aaron Persky, following the recommendation of the county’s probation department, sentenced Turner to 6 months in jail and 3 years probation on June 2. The former swimmer must register for life as a sex offender after being convicted of three felony counts of assault and attempted rape. The initial rape charges were dropped in October 2015.

The judge has been criticized that the 6-month sentence is too lenient.

Persky and his family are now facing threats from anonymous callers, while students plan to protest at Stanford’s commencement on June 12.