NBA’s LeBron James Continues to Sell Out | New US-China Trade Deal


LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers is accused of being a sellout to China after criticism of a tweet from Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey supported the Hong Kong protests.

A breakthrough in the US-China Trade war may be on the horizon.

US lawmakers pass landmark legislation supporting the Hong Kong protesters with the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act.

Jimmy Sham of the Hong Kong Civil Human Rights Front was attacked by three men with hammers.

Dreamworks Abominable and ESPN both use a map of China with the 9 Dash Line and showing Taiwan as a part of China.

That and more on this week’s China news headlines.

China Uncensored will bring you the uncensored truth about the Chinese Communist Party’s secret plan to take over the world. Just kidding. Sort of...