Naughty German Shepherd Puppy Refuses to Take a Nap Until Mama Dog Steps In

Naughty German Shepherd Puppy Refuses to Take a Nap Until Mama Dog Steps In
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

Dogs are incredible creatures.

Puppies are not only sweet but also surprisingly similar in many ways to children. It’s amazing how many human attributes they seem to have. This is what a woman from California found out when she started filming a scene between her older female German shepherd and a newly adopted puppy named Kali. It was a scene so adorable that it attracted media attention in 2015.

According to the Daily Mail, the owner, Tracy, shot a sweet video outside her home shortly after adding a new puppy to the family. Tracy explained how her older dog instantly took on the role of the adoptive mother towards the small pup. The footage she captured may take many by surprise as it perfectly reflects the relationship between a mother and her child.

At the start of the video, we can see the momma dog lying down and relaxing on a wooden porch. Right next to her, an overexcited little one is jumping around and playing with his ball. The younger pooch can be seen falling over his bed before running off in excitement towards the other side of the wooden deck to chase his ball.

That’s when the older dog seems to have decided to take action. She swiftly gets up and starts walking towards the younger dog. She then proceeds to pull him over, grabs his attention, then uses her muzzle to guide the excited little puppy towards the bed. After that, Kali lies on his side and lets his adoptive mommy gently stroke him with her paw. As she tenderly touches him, she also lightly licks him as if to let him know that it’s time to take a nap.

After a gesture that looks as if she’s tucking the little one in, the German shepherd calmly returns to her original spot. Then she tries to continue her lying down without being disturbed by activities. However, at the very end of the video, we can see that the puppy only managed to “nap” for a couple of seconds. As soon as his adoptive mom turns her back at him, he raises his little head and starts playing with a chew toy.

As puppies are new to this world, they want to play and explore all the latest and exciting things around them. Couple that with the tremendous amount of energy they have and it can be difficult to get them to lie down and sleep when they need to. Just like the clip shows, sometimes even the most active of puppies need a bit of a firm hand (in this case, a firm paw) to let them know who’s in charge.

This adorable clip was initially posted on a YouTube channel called 1029utube, where it received over 8 million views.

It’s clear why the video became so popular as it shows how animal mothers can sometimes share the same struggles as human mothers. Managing to convince a young one to take a nap when they have to is a familiar and very relatable battle that so many moms are all too aware of.

Watch the video: