Mystery Woman Rings Doorbell in Video, Police Still Searching


A mystery woman with what appeared to be broken restraints strapped to her wrists woke a Texan resident at her home at 3:20 a.m. on Aug. 24.

The Sunrise Ranch resident woke up to 20 to 30 unexpected rings at the doorbell of her Montgomery home, according to the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO).

After watching the surveillance footage, which identified the young woman, they alerted the MCSO to investigate the incident.

Many people living inside and outside the state have sent flyers of missing people in the hopes of helping the police to identify the woman.

Authorities have reviewed all the flyers for similarities but so far they haven’t found a match.

There haven’t been any reports of a missing person in the local area that involve the mystery woman in the video.

Door to door interviews have been conducted within the area, including businesses. Deputies are viewing surveillance footage from residences and businesses within the area, but haven’t found a lead.

A resident in the area said that the woman had rung many doorbells, but disappeared by the time the owners answered the door, ABC reported.

“I’ve got a 9-year-old daughter at home. It worries me what’s going on in the neighborhood,” said Branson Golson, another resident in the area.

A Twitter user has adjusted the contrast of a surveillance photo to make the woman’s features more visible.

Investigator Scott Spencer said some of the flyers have come from places as far as Canada, My San Antonio reported.

The police haven’t commented on what was on her wrist. Some social media users have speculated that they might be restraints or a keychain strap.

The social media users have also said that people should beware of random people knocking on the door as it may be a setup for a robbery.

If anyone has information on the identity or the location of the woman in the video then please contact:
Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office at (936) 760-5800 and refer to case No. 18A243347.