Trump Said to Describe The Epoch Times as ‘Most Credible Newspaper’

Stephen Gregory

A Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in California reports that a close friend of President Donald Trump says the president believes The Epoch Times is the “most credible newspaper.”

The Epoch Times and NTD, both part of Epoch Media Group, interviewed Paul Taylor on April 13 about his candidacy for the Republican nomination for the Senate seat currently held by Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). Following the interview, Taylor related what he had heard.

“I’ve been introduced to a person who is close friends with Donald Trump. And when I told her about The Epoch Times publication, she said that Donald Trump reads it every day and it’s the one newspaper that he believes to be a truthful and correct paper. ... It’s the only one he trusts,” Taylor said. “Now, he reads all newspapers so he finds out what’s going on. But The Epoch Times is the one that he believes is the most credible newspaper in the world. That’s a big thing.”

The Epoch Times reached out to the White House for comment, but did not hear back by press time.

Commitment to Truthful Reporting

The Epoch Times, English edition, was founded in 2004 with an unwavering commitment to freedom of the press and truthful reporting.

“At The Epoch Times, we believe that true journalism relies on doing our utmost to report the truth,” said Epoch Times Managing Editor Jasper Fakkert.

Increased interest in the unique reporting of The Epoch Times is evident in its rapid growth over the past year. The Epoch Times currently has an online readership of about 45 million page views per month and prints weekly in major cities across the United States. The newspaper will begin printing five days a week in New York City and Washington in late May.

She said that Donald Trump reads it every day and it’s the one newspaper that he believes to be a truthful and correct paper. ... It’s the only one he trusts.
Paul Taylor, candidate for the U.S. Senate in California

“Good and accurate information is now more important than ever. We’ve recently seen media outlets that seem willing to abandon their core principles for political gain. This does not serve the public,” Fakkert said.

Surveys of major media show a negative bias in their reporting on Trump. Research by the Media Research Center showed that 90 percent of evening news coverage of the president on major TV networks in 2017 was negative. Similarly, a Pew Research Center study published in October last year showed that only 5 percent of media coverage of Trump during his first 60 days in office was positive.

As an independent media, The Epoch Times has taken the lead in reporting accurately and fairly on the Trump administration.

For instance, while other media have reported for over a year that Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election, The Epoch Times has consistently pointed out that an investigation by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, ordered by then-President Barack Obama, had found no evidence of collusion. This is something that was confirmed last month by a yearlong investigation by the House intelligence committee.
Besides politics, U.S. news, and international news, The Epoch Times has a particular strength in its reporting on China. It has access to an unparalleled network of insiders and analysts providing accurate information on major events taking place in China.

‘I Want the Facts’

Taylor gave his own impression of The Epoch Times.

“I come from a science background; I want the facts. Nobody is going to change my mind relative to my ideologies. I want to know what’s really going on, and I see your paper really has that method of getting that message out there,” Taylor said.

“[The Epoch Times is] broad, it’s inclusive, and it’s truthful.”

Taylor is an entrepreneur who, over a 30-year career, founded three successful companies in the San Francisco Bay Area. After retiring in 2010, he focused on mentoring small-business owners to develop their own successful companies. Now his attention is on the Senate race.

The Epoch Times, publishing in 35 countries and in 21 languages, is part of Epoch Media Group (EMG). Founded in 2000, EMG is an award-winning, independent media group based on the principles of truth, humanity, and hope.
The Epoch Times, EMG’s digital news platform and newspaper, delivers critical, in-depth analyses of issues that have often been overlooked by other mainstream media outlets. NTD, EMG’s video platform, focuses on news and positive, uplifting entertainment, and is now consistently among the top 10 media and entertainment properties in the world. Collectively, EMG digital properties receive more than 750 million page views and 5.6 billion video views a month.
With reporting by Dehui Zhang, Yolanda Yao, and Kai Jiang.
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Stephen Gregory
Stephen Gregory
Stephen Gregory was the publisher of the U.S. editions of The Epoch Times from May 2014 to January 2022.
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